GOD'S TOUCHPOINTS - An Old Testament Journey (PART 2 - JUDGES)ಮಾದರಿ

GOD'S TOUCHPOINTS - An Old Testament Journey (PART 2 - JUDGES)

DAY 4 OF 4


While the nation of Israel continues in its state of disengagement with God, another ray of light surfaces; but not before a struggle.

Hannah, the first wife of Elkani is deeply grieved by her childless condition. To add insult to injury:

• Elkanah does not fully understand claiming he is better than 10 sons
• Peninah, the second wife with five children, taunts her
• Eli the priest remarks that she is drunk

Sometimes God withholds a blessing when He has planned a windfall later.

Hannah  responds outstandingly to these dire circumstances. 

• She Releases her Burden to God

As she prays, and Eli accuses her as drunk, she respectfully shares her problem. He assures her she will bear a child. Hannah completely, immediately lets go. “Then she went her way and ate something, and her face was no longer downcast.” 1 Sam 1:18. She releases her:

o Pain 
o Pride
o Problem

She holds on to the promise.

• She Receives a Blessing From God

The gift of Samuel was not only a gift to her but to the whole nation. 
When hope seems gone
God’s leader is born.

• She Releases her Blessing to God

It is time for Hannah to fulfill her promise of dedicating Samuel after weaning. There are three types of weaning in Jewish culture – from mother’s milk, childish ways and parental dependence. Samuel, around 12 when given to the temple, is in a position to serve. (ch 2:11).

Hannah could have rationalized not keeping her promise (2:12), as Eli is incapable of managing his own sons.. When Hannah releases Samuel. (2:1-10). it is:

o Joyful
o Permanent
o With gratitude
o Without expectations

• She Receives More Blessings from God

“And the Lord was gracious to Hannah; she gave birth to three sons and two daughters. Meanwhile, the boy Samuel grew up in the presence of the Lord.” (2:21)

Subsequently, the priesthood declines, as Eli’s sons despise God. God informs Eli that it is the end of the line for his family. (2:25-35)

The punishment extends to Israel when the glory of God withdraws from them as the ark is captured.

Samuel, on the other hand, restores peace and stability in Israel and is recognized as a prophet by all.

What burdens and blessings do we need to release in our lives? What spirit of giving should we maintain?


To continue on the next series click on the link below:

God's Touchpoints - The Reign of Royalty  

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About this Plan

GOD'S TOUCHPOINTS - An Old Testament Journey (PART 2 - JUDGES)

Israel had the unique privilege of directly being ruled by God who established the operational systems through Moses. God raised Judges to lead. All they needed to do was obey and worship God. This would have guaranteed prosperity, power and attracted nations to their sovereign God. The leaders, however grow weaker along with the Israelites, till there is virtually no governance. As always a few stars shine out, including women
