Fruit Bowlಮಾದರಿ

Fruit Bowl

DAY 31 OF 63

Extending God’s Kindness

Let’s focus on God’s kindness for today. Mankind brought sin into a world that was created perfectly by God. The wages of sin is death, whether guised or disguised all sin must be judged, for God is a holy God and cannot look on sin. This means sin has consequences and results in eternal separation from God and all that is good, clean, lovely, pure, honourable and righteous. Therefore, man is without excuse as we have all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory.

Bearing that in mind - Paul is saying to not show contempt for God’s kindness by judging others. Contempt is an attitude, a behaviour towards something or someone that is worthless or beneath consideration. In judging others or taking offence to their actions, we are ultimately nullifying God’s kindness, his tolerance and patience that he shows to us every day. Therefore, a self-righteous, judgmental attitude is inexcusable. 

Let us realise God’s kindness towards us and extend that same kindness towards others. 

The judgement of our Lord is founded in his righteous character and his gracious love for mankind. We discover, for this reason the Lord withholds his inevitable judgement from us to give us the opportunity to repent of our sins. It is God’s kindness, long-suffering and grace, that enables sinners to be saved through faith in Christ Jesus. Only God’s never-failing love and incomparable kindness allows a born-again believer to grow in the knowledge of Christ so let the Holy Spirit lead you to repentance and realisation of extending that same kindness to others without judgement. 


Heavenly Father, we come to you with humble hearts… asking you to help us in loving others and being kind to them. Just like your word says “love is patient, love is kind”, in doing this, we will express love through kindness. As kindness is one of the fruits of the spirit, we ask for your Holy Spirit to come and dwell in us right now and bring forth this fruit so that we can be your children and do your will. Amen.


ದಿನ 30ದಿನ 32

About this Plan

Fruit Bowl

Fruit Bowl is a 9-week deep dive into the Fruit of the Spirit put together by the Naujavan community. Jesus said, “This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples." Bearing the Fruit of the Spirit is the result of spending quality time with God, allowing Him to shape and form us.” We hope this devotional encourages you to do just that.
