Fruit Bowlಮಾದರಿ

Fruit Bowl

DAY 14 OF 63

The Joy of the Spirit

“Do not be anxious about anything…” (Phil 4 v 6)

No matter how hard we try, there are always going to be things that will occupy our minds, filling them with doubts and worries. “Will people like me?” “Can I make good choices and meaningful relationships? Can I keep on top of everything?” And these are questions you ask yourself on your very first day of school! Then, the more life brings, the more complicated the questions become. 

But what are some of the little things that bring happiness to your everyday life? Music? Food? Family? Friends? All of these things have something in common. Although good for us to enjoy, they can be taken away, they are all finite and will come to an end at some point. A song, no matter how many times you play it on loop, has an end. Food has an expiry date. Family and friends, sadly, also will cease to be here on this earth and may leave you behind. So, what kind of joy lasts forever? The Joy of the Lord. It’s eternal. It’s life-changing. It will never leave nor forsake you. 

Sometimes, we are so preoccupied with worrying and trying to find a solution to our problems, we forget to even come and ask God what to do when the answer is staring at us right in the face. If we know the Lord is with us always, at hand, we need not be anxious about anything, because we have the peace of God surpassing all of our attempts of understanding. 

This joy is like no other, that cannot be touched by ever-changing emotions and circumstances. Yet we easily forget this fact. Let it be a fire that will never be put out, keeping you warm and glowing, no matter what. Never try to replace the eternal joy the Spirit gives us with short-lived happiness. 

ದಿನ 13ದಿನ 15

About this Plan

Fruit Bowl

Fruit Bowl is a 9-week deep dive into the Fruit of the Spirit put together by the Naujavan community. Jesus said, “This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples." Bearing the Fruit of the Spirit is the result of spending quality time with God, allowing Him to shape and form us.” We hope this devotional encourages you to do just that.
