Break Free From Insecurityಮಾದರಿ

"Freedom Fighter"
People who are free draw others to themselves. They do not compete, compare, or control. When they are no longer bound by insecurities and lies, they are able to be fully present, care-free and joyful. That’s what we all want, isn't it, to be the person God created us to be, unhindered by the doubt, fear and insecurity that holds us back? As you continue to walk in freedom, that is exactly who you can become.
But finding freedom from insecurity is not a destination or an end goal, it is a continual process of taking our thoughts captive and making them obedient to Christ. Once you overcome one insecurity, there will be another to overcome. We will always be in need of God’s continual power and guidance to walk in freedom.
When you do find that freedom you will know it, you will feel it. But do not be surprised if you run into a few naysayers on this journey—people who are not yet free themselves. They are fighting their own battles and need your love, grace, and acceptance to start their own journey toward freedom.
None of us knows what someone else might go through to overcome their insecurities. No one but the seeker can appreciate the pain, tears, doubts, fears and questions that go into finding one's identity in Christ. It takes work, dedication, faith, and the encouragement of others. So, let’s make a commitment to always encourage one another toward that freedom. This Christian walk is truly a fight. We are all in battle with our common enemy. Let’s become freedom fighters—in our own lives—and in the lives of others.
When you make a commitment to find freedom you will discover a power rising from within like a spiritual adrenaline, giving you the strength to do what you never thought you could do on your own. Old fears will fall away like loosened chains. Apprehension will be swallowed up with faith. His love will free you and fuel your forward action. Nothing will be able to hold you back when you stay connected to His love. You will be motivated to lay down your insecurities and be free. There won't be room for fear and lies because you will fill your heart with truth. Fight for your freedom and you will live free.
Free indeed.
I hope you have enjoyed this reading plan! For more resources to help you break free, or to connect with Anna, visit her on Instagram.
About this Plan

Whether it's self-doubt, negative thoughts, or a fear of what others think, insecurity holds us back from the person God created us to be. This plan is designed to help you overcome your insecurities and break free from the lies that hold you back from your full potential. These readings will light a passion in you to fight for the freedom that comes from living in your true identity.