Doubt - SE Studentsಮಾದರಿ

Doubt - SE Students

DAY 5 OF 5

God’s Not Done Yet

Psalm 13:5-6 says, “But I trust in your unfailing love, I will rejoice because you have rescued me. I will sing to the Lord because he is good to me.” The situation, the struggle, the doubt, and the problems hadn’t changed, but the author of this psalm committed to remembering the promises and truth about who God is. He believed in God’s unfailing love even though he wasn't feeling God’s unfailing love. He believed in God’s promise to rescue him even though he wasn't experiencing rescue. He remembered all the ways God had been good to him even when his circumstances were still rough. 

We have even more reasons to believe in God’s promises than this author did. This psalm was written several hundred years before the time of Jesus. The author questioned God’s love, closeness, care, and compassion. Remember the questions he asked in verses 1 and 2. How long o Lord? Have you forgotten me? Am I in this alone? Although there might be times when we feel these things, the truth is that God has promised He will never leave us or fail us (Deuteronomy 31:6).  We understand that sinful people deserve to be left, abandoned, ignored, and forgotten by a perfect God because we got ourselves into this mess in the first place; yet, ours is a loving and kind God. How can we trust that God’s promises are true?

The answer lies in the story of Jesus. As Jesus hung on the cross, breathing His last breath, preparing to die to pay the debt for your sins, He cried out to God, “Why have you forgotten me?” On the cross, it seemed like Jesus was forsaken by God, but it was so that we could be remembered by God. Jesus seemed abandoned by God, but now we can be close to God. Jesus died on the cross so that we could live forever with God. This is our hope, and if you’ve never experienced and trusted in God’s love for you (expressed through Jesus Christ), make it a point today to talk to someone you know who is following Jesus. Remember, whenever you doubt—confess your problem, commit to pray, and speak a promise. 

Thanks for completing this reading plan! We pray that this helped you get connected to Jesus. We would love to hear from you on how God used this plan in your life. Keep the conversation going by emailing us at

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About this Plan

Doubt - SE Students

Many of our feelings are complicated, difficult to discuss, and frustrating to navigate. Join us in a five-part series to explore some of the more complex emotions. In this section, we’ll look at Doubt.
