Who Is Jesus? Part 2ಮಾದರಿ

Beyond Influence
In chapter 12, Jesus makes some bold statements, as He has been doing throughout His ministry. Here, He refers to Himself as a greater Jonah and a greater Solomon. What’s Jesus’ meaning? Why is He calling these guys out?
Both Jonah and Solomon were extremely influential men in the Old Testament. You may have heard of Jonah and the big fish. And while that story sounds pretty extravagant, it’s not the point of Jonah’s story. He was a prophet, someone called by God to deliver a specific message to a specific group of people. But what was so unique about Jonah is that the message God gave Him was not for His special nation of Israel, but the capital city of Assyria. These guys were the most brutal, most barbaric bullies of the ancient world. And Jonah was sent to them.
Solomon is remembered for the incredible wisdom God gave him. This divine wisdom allowed him to solve problems, rule well, and gain incredible influence. His sharp mind drew people from all over the world seeking counsel. And the nation of Israel experienced unprecedented peace, wealth, and prestige under Solomon’s kingship.
These men both made an impact on Gentile nations. When Jonah delivered God’s call to repentance to the city of Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, every single resident turned to God with genuine remorse. Throughout his rule as king, Solomon was presented with really difficult decisions. Decisions that probably would have stumped anybody else, but he navigated those situations with so much wisdom that people from around the world came to identify him as the wisest man who ever lived.
So why did Jesus identify with these guys? Well, He’s claiming superiority to the one prophet who was listened to by a Gentile nation, and to the king whose wisdom drew attention from people all over the world. And Jesus’ claims of being greater than these men are supported by history, because His life and message has had more influence on the world than anyone who ever lived!
See, when Jesus claimed to be greater than Jonah and Solomon, He knew where He was headed—the cross. But beyond that, He knew the impact His life, death, and resurrection would have. Jesus said:
“And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” John 12:32 NIV
Jonah and Solomon were men who had influence that spanned multiple nations, but Jesus’ influence goes so far beyond anything they ever could have imagined. Because His message brings hope and salvation to the whole world.
For the grace of God has been revealed, bringing salvation to all people. Titus 2:11 NLT
Someone better than Jonah came to reveal God’s grace to the world. Someone greater than Solomon came to become our King and take the judgment we deserved. Jesus came, and because of Him, everything changed.
About this Plan

Who is Jesus? This is the ultimate question. Because if Jesus really is who He said He is, it changes everything. But if Jesus is not who He said He is, it also changes everything. Join us in part two of our journey through the Gospel of Matthew to continue to discover the answer to this ultimate question.