God's Touchpoints - An Old Testament Journeyಮಾದರಿ

God's Touchpoints - An Old Testament Journey

DAY 14 OF 14


Is the Old Testament Law relevant today? How does it compare with the New Testament guidelines? Many people believe feel we can get away with anything as we are “under grace”. That is the worst deception ever.

Through Moses God gives hundreds of laws for the people, these laws were:  

• Civil Laws (Dietary and Judicial also) – for the then Jewish nation’s governance. Today that is replaced by our own respective governing authorities.
• Ceremonial Laws (Sacrifices, Feast Days, etc.) - Jesus institutes Baptism and Holy Communion as key sacraments to be followed representing renewal and cleansing in Christ.
• Moral/ Spiritual Laws (10 Commandments written by the finger of God) – Completely relevant and raised a notch higher.

Jesus highlights the greatest commandments.

“Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind… ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets,” (Matt 22:37-40).

He then raises the bar with the new commandment.
“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another,” (John 13:34-35).

In the New Covenant, Jesus raises the bar on:
• Love - to others is to be more than love for self (“as yourself”), but reflecting the selfless love Christ demonstrated (“as I have loved you”).
• Law – Spirit of the law was more important than the letter of the law (Jeremiah 33:3, Romans 8:5-7, 1 Corinth 2:13-16).
• Living – Whereas the OT God called people to be Holy as He was holy, in the NT the call goes beyond ourselves to others – to be disciples and make disciples. (Matt 28:18-20).

Christ fulfills the law (Matt 5:17) and teaches us to fulfill the spirit of the law. The grace he gave to us is not licence to sin but freedom from sin. Grace is one of the most diluted and misinterpreted concepts in the bible. The law makes us conscious of sin, grace makes us conscious of God (Romans 7:6).

Do we demonstrate to others the love Christ shows by leading them closer to Him? 
Do we follow the spirit of the law? Are we living as Christ’s disciples, making disciples for Him?


To continue on this series click on the link below:

God's Touchpoints - An Old Testament Journey - The Judges 


ದಿನ 13

About this Plan

God's Touchpoints - An Old Testament Journey

In the Old Testament times, God chose people (TOUCHPOINTS), interacting with them in innumerable ways. This, in the light of the New Testament (NT), brings deep perspectives on the Word. GOD’s TOUCHPOINTS has four parts, the first being Old Testament Summary, Patriarchal ages – covering key people and foundations. The sequel is GOD REVEALED – a New Testament Journey. Following the “additional reading” passages provided will take you through the entire bible in both series.
