
Perfect Trust in Patience
We can learn so much from the remarkable women in the Bible and their stories. We at The Kristen Collection have based our stories and collection on the women of the Bible. Sarah and Abraham were some of the great heroes of our faith. It was Sarah’s heart’s desire to have a baby. She had to TRUST God and patiently wait on Him to provide.
Even when we face pain, there is always hope for the future with God. He promises in His word that everything works together for those who love Him and are called to his name. And He promises a good future for us. “Surely I would have despaired had I not been convinced that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” (Psalm 27:13)
While we wait for something that we really want, we learn to surrender to God. We also acknowledge that He is Sovereign and His timing is always perfect. In Genesis 21 we can take encouragement that God kept his promises to Sarah.
“The Lord came back to visit Sarah as he said he would, and he kept his promises to her. At exactly the time God said it would happen. Sarah became pregnant and gave birth to a son for Abraham in his old age.” (Genesis 21:1-2)
As you go about your day today: "Be still and know that He is God!" (Psalm 46:10)
Write down the things you are waiting for.
Write out God’s promises found in the Bible.
Choose to be still and know that He is in control.
Dear God, thank you that I can be still and know that you are in control. I will wait on you Lord, fill my heart with Your strength and courage, Amen.
ದೇವರ ವಾಕ್ಯ
About this Plan

We hope that this reading plan will inspire you to go on a journey in cultivating the fruit of patience in your life. In the past few years we have found that even though circumstances are not always pleasant, God will use them to mold our character. What He desires is for us to approach these trials with a Godly sense of patience.
ವೈಶಿಷ್ಟ್ಯದ ಯೋಜನೆಗಳು

Real Hope: Obedience

Why We Need to Keep Coming Back to the Word

How to Stop Fear, Worry, and Insecurity

Trust in the Trials

Do Not Worry

Who Controls Your Thoughts?

When God Speaks: What to Expect

How to Trade Anger for Patience

Walking in Patience: The Fruit of the Spirit 7-Day Bible-Reading Plan by Kenneth Copeland Ministries