What if it's true?ಮಾದರಿ

SUNDAY (Rest, Catch Up, and Next Week's Overview)
All of this week's verses are repeated again today in case you missed any of them.
Four questions to engage with each day:
What stood out to me in today’s passage?
What does it mean or tell me about Jesus?
What does it say to me about how I view myself?
What choice is God placing before me today in response?
Bible Project video about the book of John (part 1)
And if you haven’t had a chance to watch the Bible Project video, John Part 1, try to take a few minutes to watch it now. You can refer to it any time as you read over these next weeks.
Week 2 Overview (John 3:22 – 6:21)
As we start this week, John the Baptist makes it clear that Jesus is the Christ. He believes God has sent His Son, Jesus, and that belief IN him brings eternal life.
John now devotes most of the next chapter to an encounter between Jesus and a woman from Samaria. This is amazing in several ways. A Jew would not have associated with Samaritans because they considered them unclean. Jesus was at the well in the heat of the day when no one would have been there yet. He met a woman drawing water and had a conversation with her, which would also not have seemed proper. Their conversation was fascinating. Pay close attention to the questions, answers, and results. Notice who you see come to believe IN him.
Next you get to witness two healing miracles: one for the son of an official in Cana, and another for a man by the pool called Bethesda in Jerusalem on the Sabbath. Carefully check out the details for each person, noting one sought Jesus out believing He could do miracles, and the other didn’t even know who it was who healed him. The Jewish leaders were growing more upset by Jesus' teachings and actions and began to persecute Him as He proclaimed that He and the Father are one.
Now we follow Jesus to the other side of the Sea of Galilee along with a large crowd of over 5,000 people. Imagine the enormity of the problem Jesus presented to His disciples. All these people would need nourishment to make the journey home. How would they feed them? Witness what happens when we give Him what little we have, and God blesses it.
Just before we end this week’s reading, John shows us one more mind-blowing event. I’ll give you a few clues: an evening boat ride, a storm, fearful disciples, and something totally unexpected. It’s amazing and I can’t imagine being there.
About this Plan

Does God exist? Two thousand years ago, an eyewitness named John saw the miracles, the crucifixion, and the resurrection of a man he concluded was the Son of God. John recorded what he saw as evidence, so future generations could reach the same conclusion. So, what if Jesus really is the Son of God? Take time during Lent to read John's account and ask yourself, "What if it's true?"