Prayers for Knowing Godಮಾದರಿ

Prayers for Knowing God

DAY 3 OF 5

“Know therefore that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God, who keeps His covenant and His lovingkindness to a thousandth generation with those who love Him and keep His commandments.”

—Deuteronomy 7:9


God, You are faithful. You keep Your covenant and Your lovingkindness to a thousand generations of those who love You and keep Your commandments. Your faithfulness is like the dew in the morning, giving life to all that it waters. Your faithfulness supplies me with all I need to live out the purpose You have given me.

Your faithfulness sets You apart from all others, letting us know that You alone are God and that You alone are worthy of all praise, all adoration, and all glory. Your name is great, and Your faithfulness is true. I look to You in times of trouble, knowing that Your faithfulness isn’t dependent on me but rather on the intrinsic character that embodies Your love in all things. I praise You for Your grace, Your mercy, and Your faithfulness.


God, I depend on Your faithfulness, especially when I’m not faithful to You. And in those times I don’t pursue knowing You as I should, I still look to You to supply all I need. Yet You remain faithful.

I confess to You that I don’t always seek You as I should. I don’t always give You the undivided attention and adoration You deserve. I confess I even doubt Your faithfulness and Your Word when troubles and difficulties surround me. Forgive me for fearing when I should be trusting in Your faithfulness. Forgive me for worrying when I should be resting in the reality of Your faithfulness. Forgive me for questioning Your faithful love and provision rather than honoring You with my faith in You.


Father, thank You that Your faithfulness isn’t dependent on my obedience to You or even on my faith. Thank You that You remain faithful and true even when I forget how faithful You are and give in to worry.

You were faithful to Peter when he stepped out onto the sea. Even though he took his eyes off You and began to sink, You reached out Your hand in faithfulness to lift him from his certain demise. I know I can depend on You always because of Your faithfulness. Thank You for Your great love, which gives me all I need each day.


God, I want to honor You with my faith in Your faithfulness. I want to please You with how I respond to difficulties and trials that come my way. I ask that You strengthen my faith and embolden my trust in You so I can bring You glory in all I do and say.

I ask for greater faith in Your faithfulness. I ask for a greater awareness of Your loving hand. I look to You to supply me with all I need, according to Your great faithfulness. Let the light of Your love and faithfulness shine brightly on me, lifting me out of the darkness of despair and into the light of Your love.

In the great name of Jesus Christ, I pray all these things concerning Your great faithfulness. Amen.

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About this Plan

Prayers for Knowing God

In times of crisis and change, knowing God is the only path to heart-deep stability and peace. Through prayer, you can experience His love, His character, and His strength—and have your faith transformed as God empowers you to continue advancing His kingdom on earth.
