Worship in the Workplaceಮಾದರಿ

Acts of Worship
I urge you… to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God — this is your true and proper worship. - Rom 12:1
The English word ‘worship’ appears 254 times in the Bible and only three times it appears with reference to ‘music’. As a worship leader, it makes me think. Many of us think that worship means the ‘singing time’ during our services. However, we are challenged to restudy this word. In most of the cases, the word ‘worship’ stands for sacrifice, obeying, honouring, meditating, praying and listening to God.
Can we apply the above-mentioned forms of worship to God in our offices, at homes (for freelancers), in the kitchen (for homemakers) or when on the road (for drivers)? How do we sacrifice for God while we are at work? Maybe it means sacrificing our time listening to our 'worship' songs during lunch break, and talking to someone about how their week has been? Are we obeying that small voice within us that is telling us to give some money towards a cause that your company is supporting? Are we honouring our spouses and God by how we act towards other men/women? These are all acts of worship because we are doing all this as unto the Lord. These do not take the place of our personal time of prayer/devotion to God, but rather support our existing relationship with a Holy God.
Day 5 Challenge: Choose one of the meanings of the word ‘worship’ from the Bible – and try to put it into practice today at your workplace. Do a quick online search and find a verse (with the word ‘worship’) that you like and find out what the meaning is in that context. Take that meaning and apply it in some way to your day – today.
Let us offer our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God in all that we do. This is our true and proper worship.
‘Worship has been misunderstood as something that arises from a feeling which ‘comes upon you’, but it is vital that we understand that it is rooted in a conscious act of the will, to serve and obey the Lord Jesus Christ.’ - Graham Kendrick
Father, help us to set aside our selfish desires for exclusiveness as Christians and worship You the way You desire us to worship.
ದೇವರ ವಾಕ್ಯ
About this Plan

God didn’t build a Church and place man there to worship Him – instead, He created a garden, and put man there to work in it. Imagine if we could see our workplace through God’s ‘glasses’? Imagine how God can then use us in the workplace! Take up these 7 challenges with Zippora and see your workplace change into a worship place.