7 Days of Hopeಮಾದರಿ

7 Days of Hope

DAY 6 OF 7

Listen to the Right Voice

By Pastor Daniel Gonzales

Some people need peace and quiet in order to focus and get things done. Not me. If you want me to complete tasks, finish chores, or work on creative content then I need to be in a busy room with activity or have music blaring! When it’s too quiet, I usually freak out a little.

But, the volume of confusion today is at an all time high. Right now, I'm not searching for noise and activity, I find myself looking for moments of peace away from the news, politics, and chatter - because it’s all so loud.

In times like this, we have to remember that the loudest voice isn’t always the right voice.

Our emotions would shout fearful things at us when we can’t find certain groceries or supplies in our local market. They would have us crippled in paranoia for fear that we might catch a particular virus.

When the disciples were in the middle of a loud, crazy storm and started to panic, Jesus rebuked the wind and waves with a simple command:

"Peace! Be still!" (Mark 4:39 ESV)

With three words, the wind ceased and there was great calm. Jesus is trying to get us to tune into His frequency. He is not fearful. He is fearless and He’s calling us to listen to His voice. He is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). In the midst of storms, chaos, and confusion, God speaks in a still small voice beckoning us to trust Him.

So how can we listen for the voice of God during this season?

Create some quiet space. Take a time out and open your Bible. If you don’t know where to start, then open the book of John. It’s my personal favorite. Let the word of God sink in and remind you of the hope you have in Jesus!

Choose to trust God. God loves you and He has great things in store for you! He hasn’t forgotten you or our nation during this time. Do you know that God loves our family, our church, and our nation more than we do? He hasn’t forsaken us, so stay faithful in prayer and worship.

Stay connected to the Church. Church doesn’t look like a building right now. It looks like what God has always intended: a Body of Believers! Don’t disconnect during this time. Stream every service, log on to virtual small groups, continue to be faithful in giving online, and share the services with others. There’s never been an easier time to share your faith and our church with the people you care about.

The government is telling us to disconnect physically (and I understand the reasons why) but the enemy would have us disconnect spiritually. That’s the wrong voice! Let’s grow deeper spiritually! Let’s listen for the voice of God and let’s replace our fear with faith. God is for us and not against us and we can trust Him today.

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About this Plan

7 Days of Hope

How do you stay full of hope no matter the circumstances? Over the next seven days, we’re going to study key principles for faith, community, and endurance. As you fill yourself up, you will overflow with peace and joy that will bring the hope of Christ to the world around you!
