The 8 Blessed Steps to Start a New Life ಮಾದರಿ

The Separation from God and the Lostness of Mankind
The beautiful plan of God in the beginning of the creation of all things was that all of us will be in a perfect relationship with Him and in perfect peace and unity with Him. But the first man and woman—Adam and Eve disobeyed—God and they got separated from God (Gen. 2-3). In other words, sin is separation from God (Isaiah 59:2). The perfect relationship with God was lost. In fact, the first to rebel against God was not these two; it was one of the rebellious archangels who was thrown out from the presence of God who became Lucifer or Satan or the Devil with other rebellious angels who became demons or evil spirits (Rev. 12:7-9). The Devil tempted Eve, and she was deceived to disobey God. Adam simply followed what Eve had done, and they violated God’s righteous law. This is the beginning of sin, and this sin is passed on to all mankind, and today there is no one righteous—not even one—as all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:10, 23). The one who has fallen, who sinned, is short of revealing God’s glory—the original purpose of the creation of God.
The consequence and wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). We all deserve to die in our sins because we all are sinners by birth (Psalm 51:5). Do not condemn yourself too much that you are more sinful than others. There is no bigger sin or smaller sin before God. Sin means sin. Even if you say you have more sins, one sin sends us to hell; it’s the same as breaking all of it (James 2:10). You are a sinner ready to commit sin. Not that you will commit some sin, and you become a sinner. You are already a sinner by birth. Every human being is a sinner; this understanding is profound, and the key to start a new life.
As sinners, we have we lost fellowship and relationship with God. We all are destined to die once and to face the judgement of God (Heb.9:27). And in front of the judgment throne of God, there is no one who will be declared righteous. We are all condemned and are all waiting for the fearful judgement of God.
With sin enslaving and influencing our daily activities, speeches, thoughts, actions, and deeds, there is a chaotic world out there. And not only do we suffer here on earth, but also we are waiting to suffer even more in after life—in hell fire.
Almighty Father, thank you for your word. Today, I have discovered that I am a sinner by choice and by nature. As a sinner I am staring at your judgement throne, and I deserve the punishment. I used to think that if I commit some sin, I will become a sinner, but your word reveals to me that I am a sinner ready to commit sin. Show me your way so that I do not land in hell. Please show me your way. In the name of Lord Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.
About this Plan

Do you know the purpose of your life? You may be rich, influential, intellectual, famous, or are an influencer, but if you are not following God’s plan, all are meaningless, and there is no perfect peace in meaninglessness. Or are you tired of your life, and you are looking for a new way of life? This plan will help you to start a new life.