Discerning Prophecy And End-Time Signs ಮಾದರಿ

Discerning Prophecy And End-Time Signs

DAY 11 OF 11

How to Prepare for the End Times

These are not times when we should be depending on our own strength, intelligence, knowledge, or natural abilities. The only way to be prepared for what is happening and for what will come is to maintain three vital positions: (1) “watch and pray”; (2) persevere; (3) commit to love and obey God. Only in these ways will our spiritual eyes be able to see what is coming and our spirits be ready to receive the Holy Spirit’s wisdom to guide us to a good end in the midst of any end-time storm.

Watch and Pray

Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is.… And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch! (Mark 13:33, 37)

Remember therefore how you have received and heard; hold fast and repent. Therefore if you will not watch, I will come upon you as a thief, and you will not know what hour I will come upon you. (Revelation 3:3)

Throughout His ministry, Jesus repeated the admonition to “watch and pray.” To watch means to be alert, awake, vigilant—all the time—so that we can pray about what we perceive in the spiritual realm. We cannot pray properly if we have a sleeping spirit. That is, if we pray, yet our spirit is not watching, our prayers will be based on our natural sight and understanding, and they will be ineffective. Only if we are watching, only if our spirit is alert, attentive, and connected to the Spirit of God, can we keep our lamps filled with oil and be ready when the Bridegroom comes for His bride.


Jesus said, “But he who endures to the end shall be saved” (Matthew 24:13). In other words, “He who continues in their faith in Me will be saved.” Jesus is telling us that amid all the signs of the end times that are taking place, we cannot let ourselves be defeated or deviate from the path the Lord has marked out for us until He returns. We must persevere until the very end.

In God’s mind, it does not matter where we were last year or even last week. What matters is where we are today. “By your patience possess your souls” (Luke 21:19). We might have been faithful for our entire lives up to this point, but if we are not continuing in God today, if we have stopped persevering, we will not “possess our souls.” This is a race of endurance; it’s not so much how you start or even how fast you run but rather how you finish. Let’s stay the course! 

As the end times culminate, we will see more record-breaking calamities in nature and in the world economy. More violence and apostasy will take place. Everything will intensify. Natural man will try to explain these developments through science and logic, but we must understand that the signs will strengthen and become more frequent because of the spiritual movements that are signaling the end times. What is most important is for you to be ready so that you can persevere to the end.

Commit to Love and Obey God

To be part of God’s remnant, we need to revere and love the Lord and have a close relationship with Him. We have to be awake, alert, obedient, watching, and praying. We must be filled with the Spirit, with God’s presence, and with heavenly glory and power. God’s remnant is committed, holy, passionate, and strong—living righteously and worshipping God in Spirit and truth. It is a mature church that is intimate with the Spirit of God.

Therefore, let us watch and pray so that we will not fall into temptation, and, above all, so that we will be alert for the coming of Christ! Let us be part of the remnant that is without “spot or wrinkle” (Ephesians 5:27), fully clothed (see Revelation 3:18), with our lamps continually filled with oil (see Matthew 25:1–13). Let us persevere to the end until we reach the fullness of our salvation. Christ is coming soon!

“Surely I am coming quickly.” Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! (Revelation 22:20)

We hope this plan has encouraged you in the hope of Jesus’ appearing and has stirred you to watch and pray! Explore other resources at https://www.whitakerhouse.com/book-authors/guillermo-maldonado/.

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About this Plan

Discerning Prophecy And End-Time Signs

Christians have various interpretations of the end times. Yet all believers have the hope of Christ’s return, and we are called to discern the times and anticipate His coming. This plan will help you recognize the spiritual season we are living in. This is not a time to sit on the sidelines. We need to understand biblical prophecy, identify end-times signs, and prepare for God’s final plans for the earth.
