Untangling Truthಮಾದರಿ

Untangling Truth

DAY 3 OF 6

Build on Truth

You’re learning that living more and more like Jesus helps to keep you from being tossed around by the trend-of-the-moment way of living. The verses from Ephesians 4:14-15 that you read on the first day of this Bible Plan described it as “being tossed and blown about by every wind of new teaching.” 

That’s not a solid way of life. It’s counting too much on your emotions. It’s too hard to know what choices to make. Watch this video from Alison, friend of The Loop Show, to help you see that living like Jesus may look different, but in this case–different is good!

Today, you’ll read a story Jesus told about a man who made a foolish choice and built his life on the shifting teachings of the world instead of on God’s solid, unchanging truth. Jesus described it as building a house on sand. 

What happens if you build a sand castle on the beach too close to the water? The waves wash it away! 

What if you built a house of bricks on the sand? Sadly, the waves will eventually even wash that whole thing away, too. The first good storm, and it’s gone, because it doesn’t have a a solid foundation holding the bricks up.

Jesus is full of truth that you can build your life on. He is like a rock. When you build a house on a rock, it’s not going to be tossed and blown about! When storms come, you’ll be able to stand on God’s unchanging truth! 

Ask yourself: Be really honest. When is a time when you let your feelings, popular opinions, or your own desires get in the way of truth? Examples: Thinking, “Oh, it’s not that bad. Other people do this all the time.” Or “I feel in my heart I’m right, so it must be right.” Or even “Oh, it’s not a big deal. God probably doesn’t care if I just make small sinful choices sometimes.” 

Challenge yourself: Talk to God about your answer to the “Ask yourself” question above. Ask the Holy Spirit to keep you from falling into believing that the sinful way is okay. Let Jesus and His truth make you free today! Grab your list from yesterday of the people you can talk with when you need wisdom. Ask one of them for help to keep you walking in truth. 

Pray: God, thank You that Your truth is strong. It doesn’t shift around. It doesn’t change. You are perfect and Your path leads me straight to You. Help me to follow and learn Your truth. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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About this Plan

Untangling Truth

Is anything always true, or are things just “true for me” and “true for you”? And, when I feel strongly that I believe the truth—and you feel strongly that something different is true—how are we supposed to get along? This Bible Plan for preteens is here to help answer those questions! You’ll learn the lifelong habit of untangling truth from the mess of false teaching and tense conversations.
