The Sandwich Generation ಮಾದರಿ

The Sandwich Generation

DAY 3 OF 4

We each have a calling. We all have ways we can serve God. In Lynn and Kimberly’s family, the entire family served in church together. It was part of their family culture. When Kimberly’s dad moved in, that changed. Grief can come any time life does not go the way we wanted or expected it to go. Bringing a parent into the home will change the way life goes, and grief is normal. The key is that we do not want to get stuck in our grief. 

As Kimberly realized how God had gone ahead of her and the family to prepare them for this time, it did not make things easier, but they knew they were doing exactly what God wanted them to do. She was able to work through the grief. Then they began to see other blessings in this life change for their family. God gave them the opportunity to model something for their children that they would not have had the opportunity to do otherwise. Never forget that God is always working in our lives. As Lynn said, “He is our strong tower.” 

After watching the video, answer the questions below.

  • What are some ways that your family can serve God in this season of life?
  • In your life, how have you seen God prepare things in advance for something in your future?
  • What can keep you from seeing the blessings in your life? How can you fight that?
  • If you are now in the sandwich generation, what opportunities is God giving you to be a model for others? 
  • Are there times in your life when you do not see God working? Are You willing to trust Him anyway?
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About this Plan

The Sandwich Generation

Research estimates nearly half of adults are assisting a parent AND raising a young child or supporting a grown child. If that’s you, welcome to the club. In this plan by Dr. Kim, we meet Lynn and Kimberly, who have two children plus a parent living with them. They felt God leading them to open their home to Kimberly’s dad. We’ll look at the challenges and blessings of this decision.
