Journey Through Johnಮಾದರಿ

Journey Through John

DAY 22 OF 24


John 19:14 “It was the Day of Preparation of Passover Week, about the sixth hour.”


Jesus’ death occurred during the Passover at the time when all Jewish families would have been killing a lamb in preparation for that celebration. The Passover lamb was to remind them of how the blood of innocent lambs killed in Egypt saved their ancestors from the plague of death and enabled them to be freed from slavery. Jesus was the ultimate Passover lamb who saves us from death and frees us from slavery to sin. 


Just as an innocent lamb had to die to give life and freedom to imperfect people back then; Jesus, who was completely innocent, died to provide life and freedom from sin to me personally. My sin was put on Him. He had done nothing wrong, but I have. He died as the substitute in my place. He did it willingly out of obedience to the Father and out of love for me and for all mankind. 


Jesus, how can I thank You enough for what You willingly did for me on that day: enduring the mocking, the lies, the injustice, the violence and the pain so that I can live and experience freedom. I am so grateful. You are the lamb who was slain and is therefore worthy to be praised. I praise You, and I love You Jesus. Amen.

Truths to notice:

19:4 ff Though Pilate found no basis to charge Jesus, the chief priests and officials stirred up the crowd to demand Jesus’ crucifixion and used political pressure to force Pilate to convict Him. 

19:11 Jesus’ death was ultimately planned by God, but the people who brought it to pass were still responsible for their actions, because they weren’t forced to be the ones to do what they did, but freely chose to do it. 

19:15 The chief priests claimed to have no king but Caesar – a great offense in the Jewish faith, in which God was to be their King and they were to be looking for a Messianic King. 

19:24, 36, 37 There were many details surrounding Jesus’ death that fulfilled Old Testament prophecies, and most of these details Jesus had no control over. 

19:26-27 As the oldest son, Jesus felt responsible to arrange for his mother to be cared for. It seems that He asked His best friend, John, to provide for her.

19:33-35 There is strong evidence that Jesus was really completely physically dead.

19:39 Nicodemus the Pharisee of John 3 became a believer in Jesus.  


ದಿನ 21ದಿನ 23

About this Plan

Journey Through John

This plan is designed for new Bible readers to teach and model a simple process for ordinary people to hear God's voice within God's Word and grow in their understanding of Him. The Gospel of John is a great place to start discovering who Jesus is and the SOAP acronym guides us as we invite God to speak to us about our own lives.
