Breakthrough by Red Rocks Worshipಮಾದರಿ

Breakthrough by Red Rocks Worship

DAY 3 OF 3

Shake the mountains, break the walls apart, open the heavens. Almighty God, you are Overcomer, Defender of my heart. By your power, the oceans open wide, your fire falls down, heaven and earth collide. King Jesus, forever by my side.

Many of us have witnessed first-hand the peace that comes from following Jesus. We hear the still small voice of the Spirit of Christ, drawing us into deeper union as we learn to trust His story. God exists as three-in-one: Father, Spirit, and Son. From the beginning, we were designed by a relationship (Genesis 1—Let us make …) for relationship (Genesis 1:26—Let us make human beings in our image, reflecting our nature; Gen 2:18 – It is not good for humans to be alone). It is natural that as we experience the greatness of God, some of our first reactions center around sharing our transformation. And rightfully so; it is a part of our design. Sometimes a breakthrough in us can spark a breakthrough for someone else.

The Gospels give us a great example of this in Andrew. Who is Andrew? He comes up in the lists of disciples, but he’s mentioned so sparsely that one forgets he’s even there. Yet he was essential to our faith history. John’s Gospel is the only account to fully detail what Andrew did; he brought his brother, Simon Peter, to Jesus. Not only that, he tells Peter that Jesus is the Messiah. Peter is the one we often focus on, but Peter doesn’t meet Jesus without his brother. That’s not the only thing Andrew brings to Jesus. John writes again that Andrew is the one who brings the little boy with the five loaves and two fishes to Jesus (John 6:8). Jesus is able to miraculously feed an innumerable crowd because Andrew had learned to reflexively respond by bringing people to Jesus.

Do not underestimate the power of bringing people to Jesus. If we can develop this as our primary instinct like Andrew, we can be a part of helping someone else experience a breakthrough in their own life. So many of the strongholds in our lives are fought and broken in the spiritual realm. We know that our prayers and petitions have authority and efficacy. Sing through the bridge of “Breakthrough” and focus on someone in your life who desperately needs it. Maybe you can specifically identify the mountains and the walls that need to be shaken and broken apart—call them out by name. Bear witness to the reality that our God is the Overcomer and Defender of our hearts.  Remember the power of our God, who split apart the seas and rescued His people from slavery. Remember that Heaven bound itself to earth in an inseparable way through the incarnation of Christ Jesus. Remember that the Spirit which raised Christ from the dead and fell like fire on Pentecost now lives inside us. God has been about his people from the very beginning, always working wonders on their behalf. And now we have the Spirit of King Jesus, always by our side.


Was there someone in your life who brought you to Jesus or helped facilitate your own moment of breakthrough?

What does it look like in your life for you to bring someone to Jesus?

Pray the bridge of this song over a friend or loved one who needs to experience breakthrough.

Listen to "Breakthrough". Believe it!  

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About this Plan

Breakthrough by Red Rocks Worship

Our God has always been in the business of breakthrough. But what exactly does that imply? What do we mean when we say “breakthrough?” Breakthrough has historically been used as a militaristic term: advancing beyond an enemy’s front line of defense. It also denotes the achievement of surpassing a significant obstacle or making a discovery that leads to a new understanding. The Lord is always fighting for us.
