

DAY 4 OF 10

When we read of this miracle Jesus performed, we tend to scoff at the disciples in the boat with him. As they fear for their lives in the storm you may be thinking, “Don’t they know who they are in the boat with? They are followers of God, why don’t they trust him?” And yet, despite having the example of the disciples to learn from, we act exactly like them in our everyday lives. 

We worry and stress over what the future is going to look like, whether big or small. When the disciples felt this way, Jesus said to them, “Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?”

He reminded them that when we trust in him we no longer have any reason to fear because he is almighty. This is so important to remember as the world gets crazy and we feel like we are walking alone. 

We have no reason to be scared for the future because we have the confidence that God has prepared us for whatever we are going to face and that he is with us every step of the way. What a comfort to know our God, who is all-powerful and all knowing, has our backs. 

This week, I challenge you to identify what seems scary and overwhelming in your life right now and choose to bring it to God. If you need a tangible reminder of this lesson you can also identify different times you have felt scared in the past and write down how God showed up for you in that situation. Remember that he loves you and that you can be brave and comforted knowing he has a plan for you.

Annie, 16


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About this Plan


As followers of Jesus, one of the best things we can do is look at Jesus’ life and learn from him. Join us as we look at one of the biographies of Jesus - the Gospel of Mark. Each day has a suggested reading, but don't let that stop you from reading the entire chapter!
