How to Forgive When It Seems Impossible ಮಾದರಿ

The Seven Steps
Step 1: Make a Decision
The first step you need to take is to look back at every difficult situation that you have experienced and make a choice to forgive everyone who was involved. This choice is your first step toward being able to pray the most powerful prayer on earth and to begin to reap a new crop of blessings in your life.
Step 2: Make a List
If you have now made the choice to forgive, it is time to get out a piece of paper and start making a list. Every time you think of someone you need to forgive, write down his or her name and the reason you need to forgive that person. Give yourself plenty of space and time.
Step 3: Start to Forgive
As you go down your list, pray carefully over each name. Remind yourself what it was that they did to you, and then pray something like this:
I now choose to forgive [name] for [insert a brief description of what was done to you], and I release [name] into the freedom of my forgiveness.
Step 4: Ask God to Set You Free
You can do this after each prayer of forgiveness, or you can say it at the end after you have prayed through your list. Whichever way you choose, pray something like this:
I ask now that You would set me free from every ungodly influence that [name] has had on my life. Please cut the ropes that have held me tightly to the pain of the past.
Step 5: Say You Are Sorry for Blaming God
If at various times of your life you have blamed God for things that you now know were not His responsibility, you will want to tell Him you are sorry and ask Him to forgive you. You can use words like these:
I am sorry, God, for blaming You for the bad things that have happened in my life. I now know You did not want these things to happen. Please forgive me.
Step 6: Pray the Most Powerful Prayer on Earth
I said earlier that forgiveness is an act of love, not of justice. When Jesus prayed, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34), there was no sin, unforgiveness, resentment, bitterness, or ungodly anger in His heart. He was free to be able to pray this most amazing prayer with a pure heart even in the midst of His own pain.
Step 7: Pray that Jesus Will Forgive Them
The final stage in offering forgiveness to others is to pray as Jesus did. Pray that those who have hurt you will be forgiven for everything they have done. When you forgive, God will release healing into the consequences of your past and will work miracles that will transform every area of your life.
Even when it seems impossible, you will be able to forgive with God’s help. Ask Jesus to give you His love for all those who have hurt you. Pray “Father, forgive them.” Let it become the most powerful prayer on earth for you as well.
We adapted this plan from another resource. Learn more at
About this Plan

Forgiveness truly is God’s master key. It is the most powerful life-transforming tool that we have. Learning to pray this amazing prayer is the beginning of a lifetime of adventures with God. It will not only bring healing to your past, but it will also open up new doors for you in the future.
ವೈಶಿಷ್ಟ್ಯದ ಯೋಜನೆಗಳು

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