DIY for the Soulಮಾದರಿ

DIY for the Soul

DAY 7 OF 34

I’m sure all of us are guilty of this, but I will be the first to admit that when things go wrong in my life, or something doesn’t go the way I planned for, I start naturally trying to fix it myself, or I find myself running to my friends and family to fix it for me and guide me through it. Many times when we do this we don’t recognize the fact that we have completely left God out of the equation, and we start relying on self. 

In vs. 5-6 Jeremiah is reminding us that our hope is in the Lord and that we need to stop relying on ourselves. If we have a personal relationship with Jesus and believe that He is our hope, then we need to live that way too. When we rely on self we are being foolish and will never see the fruit of our labor. We start withholding ourselves from seeing God do a work in our lives because we are the ones “getting the glory” and not Him. 

But in vs. 7-8 Jeremiah says “blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord; whose confidence is in Him…” When we trust in the Lord we are blessed, and when we trust in the Lord it shows that we are confident that He will do a new work in our lives. So the big question is…what are we rooted in or putting our confidence in? Is it ourselves, family, friends, jobs, spouse, or Jesus? When we are rooted in Jesus, hardships do not break us, anxiety and worry flee, and we start growing and maturing in the Lord. Root yourself in Jesus today, make Him your firm foundation. You won’t regret it.

What are you rooted in? Do you find yourself naturally relying more on yourself or God? If it’s yourself what are some ways you can change that habit?

ದಿನ 6ದಿನ 8

About this Plan

DIY for the Soul

2020 has been an incredibly challenging year. If you're like me, you're exhausted, a little on edge and uncertain about the future. You may look ok on the outside, but how are you doing on the inside? Most importantly, how's your soul? Many of our souls are damaged, neglected or unhealthy. DIY for the Soul focuses on renovating and caring for the most important aspect of our lives, our souls.
