Making Right Choices, Discerning God's Will ಮಾದರಿ

Making Right Choices, Discerning God's Will

DAY 3 OF 6

Foundational Level Two: Prerequisites for understanding God's will. 

After I understand God’s intended GOALS, I now move one step up the pyramid, to three PREREQUISITES for understanding God’s will.

PREREQUISITE #1 I must believe that God has His tailor-made plan for my life. 

In Psalm 139:16 David says, “Your eyes saw me when I was formless; all my days were written in Your book and planned before a single one of them began.” 

Do I believe in my “heart of hearts” that God (who created me) has a tailored plan for my life….and it will be one that I will like and enjoy better than any plan I could devise for myself? 

Or do I doubt God? If I do doubt God, then I need to pray for faith to believe that He knows what will give my life meaning. 

PREREQUISITE #2 God wants me to know His will for me. He doesn't want to hide it from me. He may not give me as much evidence as I want, but He gives me enough to intelligently follow Him by faith.

Ephesians 5:17 says, So don’t be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. Do you see the contrast? If I’m not open to the Lord and let Him direct me, I am being foolish!

Just as children must learn what is acceptable to their parents, since they are not born knowing that, God wants me to learn what is pleasing to Him, so that I see things from His perspective. God does not want me to be a non-thinking robot, but He usually gently whispers rather than shout at me. 

As I grow, He wants me to learn what is pleasing to Him and listen to His voice in my spirit, which allows me to look back at past experiences to discern that “this” seems pleasing to God.

Caution: I should not assume that what God expected or wanted in the past is now a “rule” that He won’t change. For example, a mom tells her daughter, “Because you cleaned your room, there's a dollar on the counter for you to spend as you choose.” The next day the child sees a dollar on the counter and believes that it's okay to take it since that was what happened yesterday. Is that a good conclusion? No. What mom intended yesterday may be different today. The parent wants her to ask and not just assume. In the same way, God wants to engage in conversation with me.

I can also be tempted to categorize behavior by making a list of “do’s and don’ts.” The problem with rules is they tend to keep me from consulting with the Lord daily and trusting Him. For instance, maybe I encounter a homeless person and I ask God what my response should be, and He tells me to give the person $5. So, now I believe that every time I see a homeless person, God just wants me to give them $5, and I don’t have to ask Him. But maybe next time He wants me to sit and talk with them after I buy them a meal. And the next time, He may tell me not to do anything. We don’t want to categorize actions as “this is good and appropriate in all circumstances and that is NOT good.” 

If I declare that a certain act or behavior is always pleasing to God, I am leaving myself open for a fall, because I’m actually saying that God will always do things the same way, when He doesn’t work by formulas or patterns. 

Therefore, I need to ask the Lord about all things. David said in Psalms 16:8, I keep my eyes always on the Lord. (NIV) God wants me to turn to Him in every aspect of my daily life. 

I would love God to send me a “to-do list” every morning so I can just “check off each box” as I complete the task. But God doesn't operate like that. He wants me to walk expectantly moment-by-moment in faith with Him.

PREREQUISITE #3 I must believe that God is sovereign and perfectly able to carry out His will for my life.  

Scripture reveals that God is sovereign and is absolutely in charge of everything. 

If I do not understand the significance of God’s sovereignty over all circumstances, I will often respond with complaining, blaming, self-pity, anger or bitterness, because events may appear to be random. 

It pleases God when I choose to cooperate with Him by acknowledging my acceptance of what He allows and seeking His direction for the appropriate and godly response, as well as for any lessons He may want me to learn, because He may not do things the way I want nor on my timetable! He has also given me “free will”—meaning I can choose to follow Him or choose to be in control, which will come with natural consequences.

The following are some questions to ask myself about God’s sovereignty: 

  • Is God absolutely in charge over all that happens in the universe and on earth? 
  • Does He always do what is right? 
  • Is He totally trustworthy? 
  • Am I allowing God to be in absolute control over all the circumstances and manage the details of my life?

If my answers to these questions are “yes” – then meditate on trusting Him today with every decision – both small and large. If you can’t answer yes, then review God’s character as outlined in scripture.

PRAYER: Father, I don’t always understand what You are up to. But I trust in Your goodness and love, and ask for Your wisdom and guidance today as I make choices and decisions.  

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About this Plan

Making Right Choices, Discerning God's Will

God will always give the very best to those who leave the choice with Him. Do you struggle with discerning God’s will—making choices that align with His perspective—rather than trusting your human reasoning? This devotional will explore underlying Biblical principles that can propel believers to make right choices. God’s Goals for Me, Prerequisites to Understand, My Surrendered Attitude, Criteria, and Two Methods.
