Better Words, Better Actions: PraiseLive's 30 Day Devotionalಮಾದರಿ

Better Words, Better Actions: PraiseLive's 30 Day Devotional

DAY 10 OF 30

The whole area of border-crossing and immigration is a huge political issue in our time. I'm not sure where I stand on the political side. And for this devotional, that doesn't matter. What does matter is what God says about how God's people relate to "foreigners." In Eastern cultures, hospitality to strangers is a massive part of their lifestyle. In the Old Testament, God points out that the Hebrews were at one time sojourners. So from the earliest of times, God encouraged His people to welcome foreigners. Look how generous Abraham was to the strangers that came to visit him at his tent. Look how Boaz welcomed Ruth from Moab into the land. This is the basis of our Biblical view of hospitality. We are to treat the immigrant as we would treat a native-born. Even more, we are to love the foreigner as we love ourselves. That's a pretty high standard.  

Okay, so we were at one time aliens, foreigners far from God. Christ accepted us not only citizens but as a family! And we are to receive others just as Christ has accepted us.  

These are difficult, challenging days. Sometimes we feel overrun by people from other cultures. Often we feel intimidated or afraid to reach out. But clearly, God is commanding us to love the foreigner, accept them into our communities and our lives. We are ambassadors for Christ. And it just may be that our hospitality, our welcome will be instrumental in bringing them to Jesus.

Reflection Question: 

What is my perspective on foreigners? In light of the Scripture today, do I need to change my attitude? Is there a way I can show the love of Jesus to the sojourner in our midst?

Praise + Prayer: 

Lord Jesus, you loved the foreigner. You specifically reached out to Gentiles, Samaritans, and the outsiders. Please give me a heart of compassion for the stranger and show me how I can show the love of Christ to those far from home. In the name of our loving Savior, Amen

Action Idea:

Look around in your neighborhood or places of business this week. Make a list of people you know from foreign countries. Seek out a person or a family you can connect with. Think of ways to invite them into your home or life to show God's love for the stranger visibly.

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About this Plan

Better Words, Better Actions: PraiseLive's 30 Day Devotional

Words and actions are powerful. When submitted to God, they can change the world for the better! Join praiseLive and learn to use your words and actions to reflect Jesus' love into the lives of others. Each new day is a new opportunity to bless someone by how we speak and serve. Together we help people discover and worship Jesus! PraiseLive is a worldwide radio ministry.
