10 Scriptures To Help You Stick It Out In Ministryಮಾದರಿ

10 Scriptures To Help You Stick It Out In Ministry

DAY 1 OF 10

I told my husband I was ready to quit. That I’d had enough. That leading a church was too hard for me. The weight of carrying a church as a senior leader had become overwhelming. In that moment, I was ready to give up.

People, who were once excited, would stay for awhile, and then leave. Many were overly critical. Others, whom I prayed with and invested in wholeheartedly, became distant. I was ready to throw in the towel. And I knew, if I threw it down, I may not ever have the desire to pick it up again.

I kept asking myself if I was I capable of leading and serving how Jesus did, deep in the trenches with imperfect people. Was I willing to lead when it was difficult, challenging, ugly and messy?

Maybe today, you are where I was.

If you are, it’s important to understand that this is what leadership looks like on the front lines. You are leading the charge. You’re out in front. And leading the charge means that challenges will come and your days will be sprinkled, sometimes doused, with discouragement. It’s common to all of us.

But the good news is this…as God positions us to lead, he also equips us to lead and provides us with ways to combat the discouragement and disappointment. It’s through the foundation of hope and strength found through God and His word. As we continue to stay encouraged, we are strengthened to lead and encourage the very people who we allow to discourage us!!

So if you are experiencing the weight of discouragement today, please know that you are not alone! Jesus understands. God makes it plain that even if others leave, He will always be with you. He will not leave you. When people fail you, God will NOT!

When you begin to feel moments of discouragement or fear, remind yourself that HE will personally be ahead of you, paving your way and preparing your path to stay strong and encouraged.

Today, don’t you give up! Stick it out! If there is no one else encouraging you, get in God’s word, and make an effort to encourage yourself. You can do this.

Why? Because God has positioned you to do it.

If you have been discouraged as a leader, how have you been able to combat the discouragement and stick it out?

By Linda Seidler
ದಿನ 2

About this Plan

10 Scriptures To Help You Stick It Out In Ministry

So you’ve been called into ministry. Ever wanted to give up because it’s just too challenging? Ever think you weren’t cut out for it? That somehow God must have made a mistake by choosing you? We know the feeling. In this 10-day plan, we will share struggles we’ve faced in various ministry roles and how God gave us His Word to stand on in the midst of crisis and pain.
