ONE: A New Generation of Unity ಮಾದರಿ

One Walk
By Giovanni Falzone, Youth Pastor from Riverside Church in North Lauderdale, FL
There’s more to being a Christian than memorizing verses, hearing sermons, attending youth group with your friends, or listening to Christian songs. It’s easy to receive information about the Bible, to know a lot, but James warns against believers who solely hear the Word, but refuse to let the Word motivate them to action.
Like a child learning to speak or walk for the first time, action stems from hearing. Think about it . . . a good parent wouldn’t just expect a child to walk or speak on their own. Instead, they would model the actions for the child to imitate.
Thankfully, we have a Heavenly Father who desires to turn our head knowledge toward Kingdom-centered work. What does this mean? It means that God wants to help us take what we know and apply it to the way we live, to put into practice the truths of the Bible and live our lives in a way that honors Him and points people to the life-changing power of the gospel of Jesus.
And yet, for some reason, we often tend to view obedience to the Word as an optional component of Christianity. We can recite the verses just fine, but if those words don’t make their way into what we say, think, and do, then we’re missing the point!
Jesus gave us the perfect example of how our faith should be expressed through the way we live and interact with others. He was compassionate, generous, loving, forgiving, patient, humble, and gentle. These are all character traits that—though imperfectly—we should be exhibiting everyday through the power of the Holy Spirit. If we don’t act quickly after hearing the Word, then we forget who we are truly reflecting. Not only that, but the religion we attempt to share ends up holding no worth in the end. Because who would trust in a God that only speaks of redemption and restoration and transformation, yet lacks the power to make it happen?
Change for the Kingdom of God won’t happen by standing still, remaining silent, or solely learning about the Word. At some point in your journey, you will have to put feet to your faith. You will have to surrender your comforts in order to bear the burdens of others. You will have to speak the truth in love, even if it is uncomfortable. By actively living a life that expresses the doctrine we read about, it is possible to bring about real transformation in our families, communities, and cities.
There is a joy set before us that will only come through endurance. Run this marathon with the Messiah and believe that every footstep will lead to progress. He will not abandon you or leave you wandering in the dark. Through every shortcoming and obstacle, take heart that Jesus Christ has already done the work for us by overcoming the world. Know that the Holy Spirit is giving you the strength and power to make your efforts to grow and put His Word into practice fruitful. And trust that God is worth following in every aspect of your life. Now, my friends . . . let’s go! Let’s do this! Let’s walk in His truth and love.
About this Plan

In this seven-day reading plan for middle, high schoolers, and young adults, South Florida youth pastors and leaders come together to share one message . . . the power of unity. Imagine what could happen if the people of God came together with one common mission and purpose. Find out how our generation can be agents of change on the world through true gospel unity.