Sacrifice: God Gives 100%ಮಾದರಿ

Sacrifice: God Gives 100%

DAY 1 OF 5

Sacrifice: God Gives 100% 


“Since He did not spare even His own Son but gave Him up for us all, won’t He also give us everything else?”  – Romans 8:32


Sacrifice. Our sports demand it. They demand our bodies, our minds, our abilities, and our days. Since we were small, we’ve dedicated countless hours to practices, games, tournaments, film, and talk, hoping to find the right groove. We give our time, our ability, our early mornings, and late nights in pursuit of the ultimate win. 

We give ourselves to our sport, but what if there is another realm of sacrifice we aren’t seeing?

What does it really mean to sacrifice? To offer something important for the sake of another? It means laying down our own interests to get involved in something else. To find what’s important to someone else and purposefully try to meet them there. It means to give 100% for the sake of the cause, no matter what.

For the best example, we can look to God. The God of the universe had everything He needed, yet He chose to create humanity out of love. And when we stumbled through sin, God chose to give 100% to bring us back and save us. Because He loved us, He gave His one and only Son. He didn’t hold anything back; God went all in when He gave us Jesus.

And it was a humble sacrifice for Jesus, too. Jesus sacrificed His position in heaven to head down to earth as a human, walk the dusty roads among Damascus, Jerusalem, Galilee, and rub tired shoulders with broken hearts so He could heal them through the cross and an upside-down Kingdom.

God has given us so much. Along with the forgiveness of our sins through the death and resurrection of Jesus, He also has given us love, pursuit, redemption, and new life. We will explore the way God gives through these avenues in the next four days, but for today, remember how deeply the Father’s love is for His children, how there is nothing God would hold back to create an intimate relationship with us. That’s a sacrifice worth accepting!


1. How can you turn your sacrifice to your sport towards helping your teammates? 

2. What does it mean to you that God gave 100% to have a relationship with you? 

3. Tell one person about the 100% sacrifice God gave for them today.


Psalm 34:10; Luke 6:38; John 15:13


Father, thank You that You gave so much to us because You love us. Thank You for sending Your Son Jesus to bring us back to you. Help me to remember how You’ve sacrificed and live my life in thanks. Amen.

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About this Plan

Sacrifice: God Gives 100%

This five-day reading plan examines how God’s sacrifice has made a way for athletes to live in confidence as a Christian first, and then a competitor.
