All Inಮಾದರಿ

All In

DAY 12 OF 31


What do you think of when you think about creating an atmosphere? Is the first thing jazz music and a nice comfy white couch with some coffee? Or is it a candlelit table with flowers and classical violins in the background? 

When it comes to our faith and activating the supernatural, have you stopped to consider the “supernatural atmosphere?” Do you ever consider the atmosphere on earth? Did you know that the earth’s atmosphere protects all life on earth and makes conditions here suitable for over 1.5 million unique living things? Why is it that something so vital, is something we rarely think about? 

Supernatural atmosphere can’t be an afterthought. 

We all enjoy and appreciate an atmosphere that is pleasant, relieving, and calming. We all desire and long for atmospheres that add value to us. But do we ever stop to consider if we are enjoying and resting in a supernatural atmosphere? I believe Jesus was intentional when He committed to the words He spoke in John 14:12-14. "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father.  Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it."

Jesus’ commitment was not only to the apostles, but to “whoever believes” and does “the works that I do.” When we examine Jesus’ works and walk on this earth, it is evident that He never allowed the environment to create him. 

Jesus influenced, cultivated, and created a supernatural environment wherever He went. 

If the atmosphere is in existence to make it suitable for living things to exist on earth, could this be the key to “thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven?” As believers we need to recognize that the works and walk of Jesus are the practical manifestation of bringing the “atmosphere of heaven”—the supernatural—to the “atmosphere of earth”—the natural. 

The apostles saw a life fueled with prayer, devoted to the Father, and activated in the natural expression of a supernatural God. They had no other model and choice but to manifest “many wonders and signs” resulting in a natural reaction where the people were in awe and it “took their breath away.” 

I believe the supernatural is just that; it is the supernatural meeting the natural resulting in a life that is devoted to listening to the voice of God and communion with Him in prayer, activated faith, and a practical manifestation. 


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About this Plan

All In

"All In" comes from Acts 2:42-47, where the Holy Spirit fell on Jesus's disciples and transformed the hearts and lives of everyone present on the Day of Pentecost. Over the next month, these devotions and verses by Faith Promise pastors and staff will lay out God’s plan to mobilize us to bring about the next great move of God.
