Finding Rest for My Soulಮಾದರಿ

Finding Rest for My Soul

DAY 5 OF 5

Entering His Rest

The Bible says that age brings wisdom. And that is true because age brings experiences and experiences bring wisdom. This includes both good and bad experiences. As long as we choose to be life-long learners, wisdom can emerge like the 20/20 vision that comes with hindsight. Hindsight, as well as exhaustion, can teach us a lot if we are willing to learn. But also, we can learn from those who have gone before us and save ourselves a lot of wasted energy. 

The belief that scripture is true yesterday, today and tomorrow gives me a solid foundation upon which to stand. The Bible is His love letter TO us as well as His “owner’s manual” FOR us. We are invited to an intimate relationship with our Creator, Redeemer and Restorer, who makes all things new and offers us a peace beyond all of our own understanding. The greatest invitation for our BEST YES!

So, life is filled with endless questions and uncertainty. Where is my solid ground in this shaky world? Who can I count on that does NOT disappoint, fail, or forsake me? What about these feelings that I contend with on a daily basis? Who is always with me and for me? Who can redeem and restore my messes? Where is my hope for the future? Who will love me unconditionally,no matter what? The answer is Jesus. He invites us into an intimacy that exceeds all love affairs of this world. It is the SECRET PLACE of the Most High. 

This is my safe place to bow down and yield to “not mine,but Thine!” Safe in His arms, I can cast my burden upon the Lord to carry my heavy yoke. When I am at the very end of my rope, it is my safe place. Intimacy with my Savior is like a sweet slow dance of rest for my soul. It is where I can find peace and safely surrender my control freak. In this secret place, I choose a quiet resolve and confident trust in the Trustworthy ONE. No more fighting. No more carrying the weight /burden of the load. Here I can yield to living in His bigger story and not to be wearied by my small thinking and my small living in my self-centered story.The secret place of intimacy is a place of freedom. It is free. He never fails or disappoints. This is a place where I can die to myself and yet, truly and finally live free. I invite you to consider such a relationship with your Lover, Knower and the Knitter of your soul.

You can find Him in His Word, in nature, through others, through prayer. Seek and you shall find Him if you seek Him with all your heart (Jeremiah 29:13). Living from this intimate place will bring an immense and freeing rest for your soul.


Could you be missing the sweetest relationship of your lifetime by not entering the depths of the secret place of intimacy with the MOST HIGH God?


Lord, I want to have our relationship be the fuel for the rest of my days. Help me enter into all that You have for me through loving intimacy with You.

Final Note: Roxanne's passion is to speak life-giving truths into the hearts of others. She loves to speak at retreats and conventions. She hosts her own DEEPER Intensive and RISE UP coaching workshops and works with clients nationwide as a personal life coach. You can buy her new book and get more information at 

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About this Plan

Finding Rest for My Soul

In a day of unprecedented uncertainty, where can we find rest for our souls? Is this even an option? Or are we relegated to struggle on the performance treadmill where we are infused with anxiety and exhaustion?
