Think About the Things You Think Aboutಮಾದರಿ

Think About the Things You Think About

DAY 3 OF 7

Train Yourself Not to Follow That Thought!

Imagine this. It’s some kind of holiday where you live. And there’s going to be a parade! 

The parade begins. The first float is awesome! It’s a fierce and gigantic version of your favorite superhero! 

And then … it happens. The second float. It’s a 15-foot-tall giant clown. One of those creepy clowns. You know the kind. The kind that makes you feel like crying or screaming, not smiling and laughing! Who approved this nightmare to be in the parade, anyway? People are getting a little freaked out. Parents are holding their kids a little closer. You can’t stop staring.

The float drifts past you. Everyone around you relaxes a bit as they catch sight of the next float. It’s a giant puppy that’s chasing its tail. That’s better! 

But you won’t have anything to do with the fun of the next float. You leave your spot in the crowd and follow the creepy clown all along the rest of the parade route. In fact, you stand with it after the parade. You watch it all the way until people take it apart and pack it up for next year. 

Wait! Who would do such a thing? Yeah, there was one bad/weird/creepy/disturbing float in the parade. But why would you spoil the rest of the day by getting stuck staring at it? That would be silly.

You wouldn’t do that. You’re smart. You’d let the float pass on by and enjoy the rest of your day! 

If only it were that easy to let negative thoughts float on by, too! Have you ever been in the middle of a pretty good day, only to let one bad moment stick with you and spoil the whole rest of your day? You’re not alone. But you can learn to let negative or sinful thoughts drift past your mind like a float in a parade. 

This entire Bible Plan is about creating great habits—between your ears. Yes! In your mind! It takes more work than most people realize to train your thoughts to be obedient to Christ. But it’s so, so worth it. 

This next video will show you how to get better at finding good thoughts to focus on. 

Ask yourself: When have I spent too much time stuck in a negative attitude? What can I train my brain to think about instead when I need to focus on something better? 

Challenge yourself: Grab that journal! It’s time to write one thing you’re thankful for. Remember, it has to be something from today. It doesn’t have to be long. It can literally be one sentence or even just a few words. Write it and put today’s date by it. 

Pray: God, thank You for teaching me how to train my mind to focus on what is right. It’s harder work than I realize, most of the time. But when I focus more and more on what You want me to think about, I’m so thankful it gets a bit easier and easier. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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About this Plan

Think About the Things You Think About

Do you ever just wake up with a bad attitude? Or have emotional outbursts? Or nitpick every tiny flaw you think you have? Ugh. Not fun. But God doesn’t want us to live that way. This Bible Plan will help you learn truth from Philippians chapter 4. It will help you think about what you think about!
