Moses – The Making of a Leaderಮಾದರಿ

Moses – The Making of a Leader

DAY 16 OF 22

Day 16: Moses interceded (part 1)

Thoughts on the Passage

This is the first of four times when Moses intercedes on behalf of God’s people.

God is angry with His people because in a few short days they have disobeyed His commands and not kept their promise to obey. God condemns this sin and will judge it. His judgment is fair, but it is severe. Does God want to release this judgment? Of course not! He is full of mercy and wants to see His purposes fulfilled in His people. Moses understands this and so he prays.

Moses asks God to extend His mercy for two reasons. 

First, Moses does not want the nations to say that God took them out of Egypt but could not lead them into the land of promise. That He brought them out of Egypt to destroy them in the wilderness. It gives the nation of Egypt a reason to speak evil of Israel’s God. Moses’ prayer is to not give them a reason to say evil against God. 

Second, Moses reminds God that He gave a promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to give their descendants the land. Destroying the people and doing it through Moses would be violating some of the promises given. God, You keep Your promises – so do not destroy them.

Moses’ prayer is based not on the people, but on the honor of God’s name before the nations and the promises He has made. When we pray for people – pray that God’s name is honored. Honored in the lives of His people, but also in the nations around them.

Application to our Life

Has God given you a promise that is not yet fulfilled? Do not be afraid to ask God to honor His word. How He chooses to fulfil His promise is up to Him, but we can pray with boldness for its fulfilment.

In praying for people, pray that His name is honored among the nations. Seek that.

Time to Pray
Father, I need to know what it is that You are asking me to pray for. I see You reveal a disaster approaching Your people to Moses – and so he prayed. It revealed Your hatred of sin, but it also revealed Your heart’s desire to release mercy. What is happening in my world that needs this kind of prayer? Would You be willing to use me to intervene on behalf of people in their need? Would I be faithful to pray and intercede for them? Would I be willing to put aside personal benefit like Moses did so that people receive Your mercy? That is my desire. Give me Your heart, Your voice and Your words for my world. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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About this Plan

Moses – The Making of a Leader

We all have excuses as to why we cannot move when God tells us to. “I’m not qualified” or “I’m still getting training in that area”. We think that our limitations are God’s limitations and we stop moving. In Plan 4 of Learning from the Old Testament Greats, we see Moses’ journey from fearful to faithful. We learn from his life how one “grows as they go”.
