Finding Your Role in God’s Global Planಮಾದರಿ

Finding Your Role in God’s Global Plan

DAY 1 OF 5

God's Global Plan

Since the beginning of time, God has been weaving together a perfect plan to redeem the nations and to draw all peoples to Himself. This plan is moving toward a singular end—in which every nation, tribe, people, and language will stand before the throne and worship Jesus Christ.

Yet when we look at the broken and lost world around us, this vision of global praise to the Lord can seem like a distant and impossible hope.

The good news is that Jesus Christ has already dealt with the sins of the world. He has broken the curse of death and made a way for us to enjoy being in His presence forever. The promises of His Word are sure: Every nation, tribe, and tongue will worship Him.

Yet billions haven’t heard the glorious message of salvation through Jesus Christ. The Good News that God forgives, loves, and welcomes repentant men and women into His eternal Kingdom still hasn’t reached their ears or touched their hearts. 

This is where you come in. God wants to use you to help bring the Gospel to all peoples and nations. Your part matters. He has designed you with a unique ability to help complete His plan.

And when you say yes to your part, you can expect to see God moving in mighty ways.

Guided Prayer

  • Think about a nation or a people in need of the Gospel. Pray they will hear the message of salvation through Jesus Christ and worship the Lord.
  • Ask God to show you how He wants to use you to make a global impact for His Kingdom.
  • After reading today’s verses, try putting God’s plan for the nations in your own words. Offer Him thanks for promising to fulfill it. 
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About this Plan

Finding Your Role in God’s Global Plan

God is using ordinary people to fulfill His extraordinary plan for the nations and bring Gospel transformation to communities around the world. He can use your unique passions and skills to reach those who have yet to hear the Gospel. Learn about completing the Great Commission, discover God's heart for the nations, and uncover the ways He can use you for His glory.
