Roaring Twenties Fastಮಾದರಿ

Roaring Twenties Fast

DAY 3 OF 21

Come Holy Spirit 

"Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgement, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil." (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)

In the book of Ecclesiastes, King Solomon seeks meaning and purpose every which way imaginable. He evaluates life, death, work, rest, purity, and debauchery. In the final chapter he concludes that everything, whether good or bad, is meaningless and the only thing of true meaning is the presence of God.

When we pray the ancient prayer, “Come Holy Spirit” you are inviting the presence of God into your life. Because of Jesus sacrifice on the cross and the gift of the Holy Spirit, we have the extraordinary gift of being in God’s presence. Our sin is removed making us free to have a real, meaningful relationship with the Living God and we can speak to him like a friend. 

Prayer involves two things: the presence of God and His people. I invite you right now to pray, “Come Holy Spirit” and just sit in silence for 5 minutes waiting for the presence of God. His Spirit comes with love, peace, and joy, showing you He is with you and that He loves you. Then begin to speak to God like you would a friend. Try and avoid flowery language or overly religious lingo. Just speak with Him about your life and invite Him into the places you need help. 


Lord, thank you for Jesus and the gift of Your Holy Spirit. Thank you that you are not a remote, distant God, but a God who draws close whenever we pray. Thank you for the promise of your presence.  I want to be more aware of your presence in my life. Come Holy Spirit and fill me again today. Amen.  

-Angela Chadwick

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About this Plan

Roaring Twenties Fast

In this 21-day plan, Dr. Malachi O’Brien, Matt Brown, Yale Kim, and other Christian leaders and ministries are urging and supporting a call for one million people, especially young people, to fast and pray in this #roaringtwentiesfast as we enter into the Roaring Twenties.
