20/20: God's Vision For My Lifeಮಾದರಿ

20/20: God's Vision For My Life

DAY 29 OF 35

An “All for You” Annointing

By Preston Morrison

And the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon David from that day on. 1 Samuel 16:13 

Growing up, David was pretty much like every other typical youngest son of seven sons. He often went unnoticed. He was rarely talked about by his family. In fact, he frequently found himself outside the presence of his family and in the presence of his sheep. His brothers were all very gifted; and on paper, it appeared as though David wasn’t. One brother was very handsome, one was extremely strong, one was probably a gifted athlete, and one, no doubt, was incredible at business. David, on the other hand, spent his days anonymously dwelling in a field penning songs for God by day and love letters to God by night.

One day, God told the prophet Samuel to go to the house of Jesse to anoint the next king of Israel. When Samuel arrived, he found a house full of great potential in Jesse’s sons. As Samuel went down the line from oldest to youngest, God said no to every single one of them. At first, Samuel thought God had said no to every one of Jesse’s sons. But He hadn’t. God had simply said no to every son in the room.

There was another son whom the brothers wouldn’t even call by name; that was the son God would call forward for His anointing. And right there, in front of all his brothers, who on paper looked so much more qualified than him, God anointed David. Samuel poured the entire bottle of oil over David, and not one of his “perfectly qualified” brothers got even so much as a drop. Why? Was David better? Did God not like his brothers? Why didn’t God share the anointing with all seven sons? Here’s the answer: David’s brothers were anointed, but for something else. This anointing was not only just for David, it was all for David.

You might feel a lot like David. You may feel that on paper everyone seems more qualified than you. You might feel like you’re living in a field of anonymity where people don’t even notice you or your giftings. David’s life, however, proves that what man notices is not nearly as important as what God anoints.

God has set aside an anointing just for you—and it’s all for you—that no one else will ever get to experience. This anointing affects every area of your life. God gives teachers, mentors, and pastors an opportunity to teach your children, but He gives you an anointing to do it. God gives many people an opportunity to encourage your spouse, but He gives you an anointing to do it. God gives lots of people an opportunity to succeed in your workplace, but He has given you an anointing at your desk.

So how do we get this kind of anointing?

First of all, be faithful in the field where God has you right now. David didn’t care where everybody else was. Why? Because he knew he was supposed to be in the field. Don’t get so bothered that the people around you are in bigger fields than you. Be faithful in whichever field you find yourself in today. The favor you want for tomorrow can be found in the field of today’s faithfulness.

Second, enjoy anonymity. Never be so shallow that you think everyone in your life must see everything you do. David didn’t care who knew his name or who had heard his incredible songs. He did what he was supposed to do—what he was made to do—even though sheep were the only ones to see it or hear it for a season. 

Don’t only do things that people see; do things that only God sees. Don’t seek an audience for your success, seek God’s anointing for your service. David was so comfortable with anonymity that God knew he wasn’t after fame; David was solely after God’s heart. And because of this, God gave David his anointing at his appointed time. If you can learn to enjoy your anonymity, you will experience God’s anointing.

Third, receive it. When David was called to be anointed, he received it without hesitation. If you don’t ever feel like you need God’s anointing, you will never receive it. And the simple fact of the matter is that we desperately need God’s anointing in order to be everything He created us to be in every area of our lives. God has an anointing set aside for you that no one else is allowed to walk in. All you have to do is receive it.

Don’t settle for being a good employee or even a great spouse or parent today…be an anointed you! God didn’t create you to be good or even to be great. He created an anointing all for you that knocks out good and never loses to great. It’s your responsibility to walk in it. 1 Samuel 16:13 tells us that the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully on David. It also tells us why. David received God’s power because he received God’s anointing.

Do you want to be empowered today? Walk in God’s anointing—your anointing. Because it’s all for you and no one else.

There is a difference between what you are talented to do and what God has anointed you to do. When you walk in your talent, you get the credit. When you walk in your anointing, God gets the credit.
~ Tim Ross

Memory Verse

“But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8

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About this Plan

20/20: God's Vision For My Life

God wants each of us to be saved, healed, set free, discipled, equipped, empowered, and serving. Join us on a seven-week devotional journey to help you walk out each of these areas in your own life. Our hope is that you'll discover and begin to fulfill the full scope of God's vision for your life.
