Jesus Day By Day: A 5-Day YouVersion By Sharon Kaselonisಮಾದರಿ

Jesus Day By Day: A 5-Day YouVersion By Sharon Kaselonis

DAY 3 OF 5

Holy Work

In what may appear to be mundane chapters in 1 Chronicles, we find a wonderful glimpse into the heart of God. He called individuals to specific tasks and roles. He appointed men by name, set their hands to specific callings, and established their occupation with defined lines and specificity. To some He appointed the ministry of music (1 Chronicles 25:7) and to others prophecy (25:1). Still others were the maintenance men, caretakers, and priests (6:48). Some were financial folks (26:20), and others were assigned to be leaders (26:6). In addition we read that some “were assigned duties away from the temple, as officials and judges” (26:29). So we see that God was not just interested in the “ministry” roles. The jobs outside the temple were ordained by the Lord just as clearly as those inside.

Whatever God has called you to do, know that it is a holy calling. There is no such thing as a secular job when the Lord Himself has appointed you to it.

Jesus used Peter’s occupation as a fisherman to make him a fisher of men (Matthew 4:19). He used Luke, a doctor, to record Jesus’s life from a physician’s perspective, bringing healing to our souls (Luke 1:1-3; Colossians 4:14). He used Zacchaeus, a tax collector, to demonstrate ethical repentance and fair practices even in such a secular job as his (Luke 19:1-10).

Jesus calls us His temples, living stones, His workmanship—which means we are part of His work. He has a plan and purpose for the things He has called us to do. Your talents, your gifts, the personality He gave you, and he people around you are all part of His calling on your life. For whatever we do, our lives are no longer our own, but we belong to Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 3:23). 

How does your occupation glorify God? When did you know God was calling you to this work?


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About this Plan

Jesus Day By Day: A 5-Day YouVersion By Sharon Kaselonis

We often think of Jesus as only appearing in the New Testament, but Jesus is the very essence of all the Scriptures. The Old Testament points to Him, and the New Testament reveals Him. This week’s devotional takes us to five passages of Scripture that gives us a glimpse of how Jesus, our beloved hope, is the focal point of the Bible from beginning to end.
