

DAY 3 OF 5

Be Quiet And Listen

To get close to God, we must make space for God. This is especially important in our busy, non-stop, noisy world.

We have to find time to escape the noise, to get away from distraction, and to simply be with God.

One of the best ways we can do this is through silence and solitude.

Jesus knew what it was like to have a full schedule. He was no stranger to distractions. There were always more miracles to be done, messages to teach, people to be healed, helped, and fed.  

He knew that in order to get close to God He had to make time for God. He knew that in order to hear from God He had to be quiet and listen.

Jesus often withdrew to a quiet, solitary place. Throughout the Gospels, we read of Jesus escaping the noise,  distraction, and making space to be quiet before God.

When it comes to spending time with God in silence, we can all learn from Jesus’ example.

Take 5 minutes and spend time in the quiet with God. Resist the need to do all the talking. Take time to listen and simply be present before Him. 

ದೇವರ ವಾಕ್ಯ

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About this Plan


Many people treat spiritual disciplines or practices as optional. And yet, for Jesus and His earliest followers, these practices were part of their everyday lives. If we truly desire to follow Jesus and become more like Him, we cannot ignore the very practices Jesus Himself modeled for us.
