Testimony: A 10-Day Devotional By Gloria Gaynorಮಾದರಿ

Testimony: A 10-Day Devotional By Gloria Gaynor

DAY 7 OF 10

Talkin’ ‘Bout Jesus

My producer and I wrote most of the songs for my gospel album, "Testimony." The first song we wrote for the album is called, “Talkin’ ‘Bout Jesus.” As we were working on the lyric, thinking of subject matter, I began to think through what the Lord has come to mean to me over the years and what I would say to someone if I was talking about Jesus. What would I say to someone who wanted to become acquainted with the Lord or someone who asked me why I came to trust and believe in Him? 

The first thing that came to mind was how I felt when I had surgery on my spine after falling on stage during a show years ago. I had awakened the next morning paralyzed from the waist down and was taken to the hospital in an ambulance. They began to give me all kinds of tests and treatments trying to relieve my pain and diagnose the cause of my condition in an effort to find some permanent relief. I was, of course, worried and fearful. Would I walk again...would I be physically normal? One day, one of the hospital workers came in with a tray full of books for patients to choose from. I chose a Bible. While reading it, I came across the Scripture Matthew 8:17 "...He Himself took our sicknesses and bore our infirmities, and by His stripes ye are healed." I continued to read and meditate on that Scripture. My faith began to grow; and I began to understand and believe that although Christ was completely innocent He had lived and died to bear our sins--my sins--and that His bearing those stripes had made provision for me to be healed. This meant to me that He would be there for me and for anyone who trusts in Him--to heal us of whatever ailments or injuries we might suffer. The more I pondered and meditated on this Scripture the more my faith grew. The Lord would heal me! If He chose to use the doctors as a vehicle, that was fine with me. 

As the surgery healed and treatments worked, the stronger my faith became. As I approached the end of my hospital stay, I was told that after my release from the hospital I would be in a thick, plastic back brace from under my arm pits down to my hips for support and to keep me from bending my spine for at least three months. One day, during a session of physical therapy, I was asked where I wanted to walk to. I said, "The window down the hall." I had completely forgotten about the outside world. When I looked out at the busy street and normal life activities, once again concern crept in and fear tried to grip me. 

I knew I couldn’t go back to work until God only knew when, and I was my only source of income. I’d had to give up my apartment. I had a hard time finding a place to put my belongings. Most of all now, where would I go? My mom had passed away; my siblings were all married and had kids and more responsibility than they could handle already. I had a boyfriend; but I grew up in a time when “shacking up,” as we called “living together out of wedlock,” was a big “no-no.” It was hard not to feel down and out, approaching despair. But praise God, I had become familiar with another Scripture, "...And my God shall supply all of your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus." (Phil. 4:19) So when I began to meditate on that Scripture, I began to realize, recognize and rely on the belief that because of my faith in Christ Jesus, my God would supply all of my needs. I would not only be healed; but because of my faith, my God would lead, guide, guard, govern and comfort me and calm my fears and supply all of my needs. And praise God, He did it all! 

Jesus is there for anyone who dares to believe in His unconditional love. I’ve come to understand that He is not just a historical figure or a distant God figure. He is the second person of the Godhead, which means He is more powerful than any devil in hell or on earth. He did not die for me to allow me to be overcome by anything or anyone that I am not willing, or careless to allow, to overcome me. He is there for me--for us--24/7 to fulfill every promise He has made to us. All we need to do is to ask and believe. "I’m talking about love, talkin’ about freedom, talkin’ about the one you can depend on when you need Him. I’m talking mercy, grace and forgiveness... talkin’ about, Hmph, good God Almighty, you need to hear this!!!" 

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