Toiled All Nightಮಾದರಿ

Toiled All Night

DAY 2 OF 3

We’ve Toiled All Night... Nevertheless 

Think about it. Simon was a skilled fisherman. Undoubtedly, he had fished before. Simon was an expert and knew when was the “opportune time” to fish.  Yet, he caught nothing. Simon, the expert, had toiled all night and had come up empty. After toiling all night, one would expect when Jesus released the words, “Launch out into the deep...” to Simon, that he would have immediately jumped at the opportunity and obeyed Christ’s instruction. However, when Simon hears Christ’s command, Simon has a different response. Simon hesitates and declares, “Master, we have toiled all night, and have taken nothing.” Reasonably so, Simon was tired and had toiled all night and had tried to catch fish on his own — but to no avail.

According to Strong’s Concordance, the Greek word for ‘Toil’ is ‘kopiaō’ (G2872) which means: “to grow weary, tired, exhausted (with toil or burdens or grief), to labour with wearisome effort”. Like Simon you may be hearing Jesus declare the words, “Launch out into the deep”. When God speaks, choose not to harden your heart. It’s your choice to either stay fruitless by disobeying His Word or choose to obey God and launch out into the deep. In this moment, Simon could have disobeyed God and remained fruitless, or he could have obeyed God’s Word and launched out into the deep. On the other side of obedience, there is harvest. 

Oftentimes we must crucify our flesh, obey God, and like Simon choose to say, “Nevertheless“. Nevertheless, at thy Word, I will try again. Nevertheless, at thy Word, I will build again. Nevertheless, at thy Word, I will launch into the deep. Where God is taking you in this next season requires faith, obedience, and endurance. In fact, every season requires faith, obedience and endurance. Simon could have stayed in his place of mediocrity, and chosen not to launch. Instead he chose to listen to God and launch out into the deep. 

Your moment of obedience feeds the faith of generations. Think about it. We’re still reading about Simon’s faith moment thousands of years after it happened. Your obedience will outlast your lifetime. Where is God telling you to go? Launch into the deep and let down your nets. Go where God is telling you to go. Do what God is telling you to do. Build what God is telling you to build. 


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About this Plan

Toiled All Night

Vance K. Jackson leads men in this life transforming devotional. It’s time to launch into the deep. Maybe you’ve been toiling all night and you have not received the results that you were expecting. Like Simon, maybe that business isn’t going as planned. Choose to launch when God speaks. His Word carries more weight and authority than your timing and skill. His timing is perfect. Choose to launch with Christ.
