Chris Tomlin & Darren Whitehead Talk About The Words That Will Change How You Worshipಮಾದರಿ

Day 3 – Holy Roar
The Music of Praise
Zâmar, zaw-mar´: To make music. To celebrate in
song and music. To touch the strings or parts of a
musical instrument.
I will sing a new song to You, O God;
On a harp of ten strings I will sing praises (zâmar) to You.
—PSALM 144:9 nkjv
From Darren Whitehead:
I stood over Brandy, looking into her eyes, giving her chips of ice, holding her hand, doing whatever she needed. She was deep into labor with our third daughter, Violet, and as was the tradition in the Whitehead family, music filled the hospital room.
In the weeks before delivery, Brandy and I made a worship playlist. We’d done the same thing when our first two daughters were born. More than anything, we wanted the songs of the church to be the first sounds our daughters’ tiny ears ever heard; we wanted to bring them into the chorus of God’s family from the beginning.
The worship music we played during Brandy’s labor gave us a sort of hidden strength. This music wasn’t just for our new baby. It was for us too. The people of God singing the praises of God calmed us through the moments of anxiety, bolstering Brandy’s spirits even through the labor of childbirth. The music was a conduit of God’s grace, and we felt it in that hospital room.
Praise and worship music can be a powerful tool to draw us into a personal experience with God. And this effect can be felt in the privacy of a hospital room or in the gathering of the church. Haven’t you experienced this? Consider that time you walked into church, frustrated with a friend, anxious about your finances, perhaps concerned about a new health challenge. Remember how you stood in the liminal space before the worship music began and made small talk as best you could, the things of eternity far from your mind. Recall how the chords began to fill the room, how the attention of the crowd was turned toward the praise of God. In that moment, didn’t the stuff of earth, the anxieties of life, seem to melt into the melody? As the cares rolled away, didn’t you encounter the very presence of God?
Music is more powerful than we even understand. It can soften our hearts, soothe our troubled souls. It opens a door to the spiritual world. It paves the road for the Spirit’s coming.
If you are a musician, ask yourself: When is the last time I simply played my instrument for God alone? When is the last time I felt the power of God in my music, even when no words were sung? Making music, zâmar, is a gift. Are you making the most of it?
From Chris Tomlin
BEHIND THE MUSIC: Instrumental Praise
Over the years, I’ve had the privilege to play with some of the most incredible musicians, people truly gifted to lead the church in worship. There are times, though, when we gather for the purpose of simply playing. We’ll come together to play impromptu instrumental pieces without singing a word. In these moments, rare though they may be, we try our best to pay attention to each other, to the rhythms, to the melodies, and to the harmonies God puts on our hearts. As best as we can, we try to play those songs to the glory of God alone.
There’s something about those times of instrumental worship, times when we pluck the string. They’ve been some of the most powerful times of personal worship for me. And though it’s hard to explain, they are the times I’ve most felt that I was playing the soundtrack of God. In such times I felt Bach’s truth most.
Yes, I play the notes as they come, but God makes the music. I’m His instrument, a reflection of His music, and before I step onto any stage, I ask that the touch of His presence would be on the music I play. I ask that no matter the crowd size, no matter the songs we play, no matter the time of day, may we play every song for the glory of God alone. Isn’t this the greatest privilege?
Reflection and Discussion Points
Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world. Beautiful music is the art of the prophets that can calm the agitations of the soul; it is one of the most magnificent and delightful presents God has given us.
Personal and group reflection questions:
1. Based on these verses, how common do you think the practice of music was in the ancient world?
2. Do you play a musical instrument? If so, how does playing music help you to express your heart of praising God?
3. Read the quote by Martin Luther. Do any words or phrases stand out to you? How do these words impact the way you think about praising God?
4. What role has music played in your spiritual journey?
5. How does music impact your heart, thoughts, and emotions?
About this Plan

What does it mean to praise God? In the ancient world, something extraordinary happened when God's people gathered to worship Him. It was more than just singing; it was a declaration, a proclamation, a time to fully embody praise to God. Get a preview of the new book Holy Roar by Chris Tomlin and Darren Whitehead who share a fresh perspective of worship.
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