DAY 3 OF 5

Prayer is an Invitation to Participate with God

In today’s clip, Dr. Garrett approaches Brian and Joyce with a very grim prognosis. John’s condition is beyond his ability to treat. There will be no recovery. This is the end of the story. But Dr. Garrett doesn’t quite understand the power of prayer. Joyce confronts him with this and reminds him that all God asks for is our very best—He will do the rest. When things seem impossible, we must always leave room for the miraculous.

The Christian faith is full of paradox. Jesus is fully God and fully human. The first will be last and the last will be first. And with regard to prayer: God is omnipotent and yet allows us to participate in His works. Don’t think for a moment that God needs our help to accomplish His will. God is all powerful and in control of everything in His creation. So, why do we need to pray? Because prayer is the means by which God has ordained for some things to happen. 

One of the greatest mysteries of the Bible is that the same God who created the universe also allows us to cooperate in accomplishing His purposes. He is the Potter. We are the clay. Yet He invites us into the process. Passivity is not an option. While we are powerless at the hands of the Sovereign King, we are not helpless. We each have gifts and talents that were given for a greater purpose. As we pray and trust God to do what only He can, we participate by offering up that which has been given to us.

However, we must always remember our best efforts are not what affects the outcome. It’s God, allowing us as beloved sons and daughters to approach Him and cooperate in His mighty works. Tim Keller has said, “The only person who dares wake up a king at 3:00 AM for a glass of water is a child. We have that kind of access.” As you pray, pause to consider who you are speaking to—the Alpha and Omega. The Creator of the universe. And in doing so, remember that you have an active role in the Meta-narrative precisely because are His child. 

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About this Plan


Throughout Scripture, it is assumed that people can talk to God. Engaging in conversations with God was not the exception to the life of His people, it was expected. Prayer shows up in stories and letters as a vital practice, but how do we do it well? This 5-day plan will help you understand what prayer is and how to engage in this life-changing practice.
