Read To Me Daily Semester 2ಮಾದರಿ

NUMBERS 27-28:
Yesterday in the book of Numbers, we heard of the second registration of Israel's troops.
Today’s psalm, Psalm 42, contains words we often sing. It is a song about renewing hope in the Lord after discouragement.
I hope that you remember who the clan of Korah was! Note that the presence of this Psalm is an interesting proof that God forgave and accepted the service of Korah’s clan.
Yesterday in Acts 2, we heard the conclusion of Peter's first sermon. 3,000 believed in Christ that day and were baptized. And the believers devoted themselves totally to the apostles' teaching.
Let’s pray before turning to God’s Word:
Lord Jesus, I pray to You as our Risen Savior! Thank you for giving me the privilege of being like [a sister//an older brother] to the one listening to me now. So I pray today for you to bless my sister or brother. First of all, I pray that my brother or sister will fully believe that You have been raised from death. None of Peter’s audience suggested that your body was still in the tomb, because of your undeniable resurrection. Therefore, upon God’s authority, you are both Lord and Messiah. May my sister or brother completely surrender themselves to your call. This means that each believer must turn away from their sins. Lord, we repent! Please forgive our sins. Give us new lives, so that it will seem like we also have been raised from the dead. Transform us through the gift of the Holy Spirit. But we must publicly declare that we are your followers by being baptized. And I want my brother or sister to know that we will not enjoy the blessings of the Holy Spirit unless we join in fellowship with a local body of believers, where we will listen to the teaching of your word, selflessly share our possessions, and where will will join with others in celebrating the Lord’s supper. This is a lot different than just listening to a podcast. Lord, we don’t need a religion that just gets piped from our cell phone into our earbuds, but we want the reality of the Holy Spirit burning like a fire in our hearts.
ದೇವರ ವಾಕ್ಯ
About this Plan

This plan covers the second semester (86 days) in the Digging Deeper Daily reading plan. The DDD plan delivers the chronological content of the Bible in two Old Testament portions per day plus one New Testament portion. The audio devotional introduction to each day's readings will help you to remember what you read before, and will encourage you to dig deeper to find the treasures in God’s Word.