[The Sun Series] Encouragement In Dark Placesಮಾದರಿ

[The Sun Series] Encouragement In Dark Places

DAY 2 OF 5

The Cross 

Nobody desires a trial in their life. Suffering is just not part of our nature. Very deep inside of us, something is telling us that this is not the way things are supposed to be, yet, Christianity is full of paradoxes. One of these is found in the book of Romans where it says that God will use everything that happens to us for good (Romans 8:28). Consider trials, temptation, struggles, and difficulties as opportunities for God to show Himself to you.

The greatest paradox of all is to be found at the cross. 2 Corinthians 5:14 says, “God made him (Jesus) who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” On the one hand, we find our sin – the sin of the whole world. On the other hand, an innocent man who had never sinned. A righteous person (Jesus) took our place at the cross, and all the punishment we deserved fell over Him. Can you imagine yourself carrying all the vile deeds, moral turpitudes, and lowness of the world? It was so dark and painful that even creation responded to the death of the Creator. An earthquake took place, and the whole land became dark between noon and three in the afternoon. 

The Bible even tells us that the whole scene became a spectacle for everyone to see. It was as if God was setting the scene for the entire world to see the most crucial moment in history. Darkness covered the Earth, and the Light of the world committed His spirit into the hands of the Father. Jesus canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness and nailed it to the cross. How amazing is this! The cross is indeed the centerpiece of Christianity. Jesus took His darkest moment and turned it into light! 

Nobody wants a trial in their life, but God will bring what we need from what we do not want. Jesus asked the Father to let the cup (His suffering at the cross) pass from Him. He knew that the cross was not going to be easy. Nevertheless, He considered that the outcome of it all was worth it. In the New Testament, we are called to rejoice and to exult in the midst of tribulations. We do not know what we need, but God does. Therefore, He will allow trials and tribulations to come our way to produce in us the fruit of our faith. We will never realize that we need more perseverance, hope, a proven character, or love for others. But God knows better than us; He knows what we really need

Thought of the Day 

Do not waste the trials of your life. God will bring what you need from what you do not want! Make the cross the centerpiece of your trial and let the Lord lead you through it.  

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About this Plan

[The Sun Series] Encouragement In Dark Places

Don’t waste the trials in your life. Soften your heart and pull close to Him knowing that greater intimacy is available and that He is fighting for you.
