Lent Through African Eyesಮಾದರಿ

Lent Through African Eyes

DAY 23 OF 45

For Such a Time as This 

As we fast in Lent, we follow in the footsteps of a long line of people who not only gave up food and drink, but also risked everything as they sought God’s intervention in prayer. 

From an Africa Study Bible application note:

Mordecai told Esther’s attendant about the decree to kill all the Jews and told him to ask Esther to appeal to the king on behalf of herself and her people. She would surely die if she didn’t, and she might live if she did. But in spite of her dilemma, Esther’s desire to save herself and her people became greater than her desire to hide. Esther asked that the Jews take part in a fast on her behalf. She was aware that she was not in control; God was, and she needed the support of the whole community.

When God puts us in a position of responsibility, He wants us to use that position on behalf of His people and His Kingdom. We may face adversity and, like Esther, we may even need to put our lives at risk. How will we respond? Some may resign their positions and seek asylum in other countries. Others may close their eyes to the problem and wait for someone else to act.

As a Christian, do you believe God has a bigger mission for you, one that calls you to go beyond your own comfort or security? Perhaps he has placed you in your position to bring God’s perspective on that issue. Perhaps you are there for “such a time as this.”


Esther fasted and risked her position to petition the king on the behalf of her people. What positions has God given you in your community, at work, at home, at school, or in the neighbourhood? Spend some time reflecting on whether you are willing to bring His perspective on the concerns of your community, even if it makes you unpopular. Ask God to show you other godly people who you can work alongside to bring change in the community.

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About this Plan

Lent Through African Eyes

Africans throughout history have shaped Christian thought and contemplative practice. Starting Ash Wednesday, explore the Lenten themes of prayer, fasting, repentance, and alms-giving. Sojourn with Jesus’ disciples from his baptism to Holy Week. Abide with him in temptation. Hear the crowd shout—celebrating, then condemning. Watch Simon of Cyrene carry the cross. Witness the crucifixion with Mary. Join a biblical pilgrimage to prepare your heart for Jesus’ passion and resurrection.
