Immanuel | God Is With Us!ಮಾದರಿ

Immanuel | God Is With Us!

DAY 3 OF 8


"Amazing Grace" is one of the most iconic songs ever written, but it's more than a song. It's the most understated truth. Our sin created a gap that we couldn't cross on our own, but because of the great and amazing grace of God we now stand free, forgiven and pure. Jesus coming to Earth brought unimaginable and unending grace to us.

It's so important that we remember that Jesus isn't Immanuel, God with us, because of our own perfection and holiness; it's because of the grace of God. If we assume that we can earn our way to God, or we think we can be "good enough" to make God happy, we will fail and miss the mark every time. Instead, we embrace that our God wants to be with us, knows our limitations, and made provisions for us through Jesus' death on the cross. The more we rest in this grace that covers our sins, the greater ease we'll find in our relationship with God.

Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found;
Was blind, but now I see.
'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed.
[Amazing Grace, By John Newton]


Jesus, thank you for your grace that extends righteousness to us even though we cannot earn it or measure up to that incredible standard of holiness. God forgive us for trying to earn your love rather than simply receiving your love through grace. Amen

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About this Plan

Immanuel | God Is With Us!

In this 7-day plan, you'll be encouraged and reminded of the great love of God for you! As you read and study through one of the main names that God uses to reveal Himself to us, you will understand that "Immanuel" means God is with us!
