Becoming Disciples ಮಾದರಿ

Becoming Disciples

DAY 4 OF 5


A Lifetime Process

An important fact about this lesson is that our Father is glorified by all of it. When we abide in Him, remain connected to Him, and bear much fruit, He is glorified. Through all of this we are becoming His disciples. We work as an extension of His good news through the Holy Spirit. Jesus’ desire is for us to become His disciples, yes, in this day and age. His purpose was not only to have disciples follow Him during His time, but for us to continue the good news of who He is.

Often times as church people we think “I’ve been here all my life. Baptized. Confirmed. Communicant. I’m kind of a professional church-goer.” But if we think about it, when the 12 disciples were following Jesus, they literally walked with Him for 3 years. They saw and witnessed Jesus’ teachings, miracles, healings, and much more. They could have felt as “professional church-goers” too. But Jesus was and is asking for much more than that. It’s not only about getting baptized and attending church, it is about becoming His disciple. They once interviewed and asked the great Mother Theresa from Calcutta, what was her biggest worry for the church, and she said, “Professional church people.” and they asked, “Why do you say so?” Mother Theresa replied, “Because professional church people think they don’t have anywhere to grow. It’s a big mistake.”

This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples,” says Jesus. Jesus is telling us that becoming His disciples is an on-going thing. It is a life-time process. It does not matter how long you’ve been in church or how much you pray, or if you’re baptized, Jesus is not done with any of us just yet. It’s a process of growth. It’s a conversion. It begins by simply wanting and choosing to follow God’s way. 

It’s always funny when people interview me (and I’ve been interviewed too many times), and I get asked questions such as “What rank are you seeking?” or “What title would you like to accomplish?” My response is “I’m just seeking to follow Christ!” Jesus is calling us to be His disciples. It’s not easy but His Spirit will help and show you the way. He’s not done with you yet.

ದಿನ 3ದಿನ 5

About this Plan

Becoming Disciples

In this plan you will be blessed to read through several verses of the book of  John, chapter 15. Jesus knew His time with His 12 disciples was coming to an end but had a bigger plan not just for them but for all of us. We were called to follow Christ and walk with Him even in this time and age. Jesus tells us through a beautiful analogy that He is the vine and we are His branches. We are connected to Him, an extension of His good news, and we will bear fruit if we choose to remain in Him. Becoming disciples is His desire for His children and glorifies the Father. 
