Unshakable Hope: Building Our Lives On The Promises Of Godಮಾದರಿ

Death Has Been Defeated
What happens when a person “leaves” this world? When the breathing ceases . . . when the beating heart in the womb stops . . . when the beep on monitor becomes a flat-lined tone. What happens in those moments? And what will happen when that moments comes to you?
The follower of Christ believes “death has been swallowed up in victory” (1 Corinthians 15:54). According to the promise of the empty tomb, we will awake in a world so wondrously better than this one that it would take God Himself to convince us to return to earth! We know this because Jesus’ miracles included only three resurrections. I’m thinking He had a hard time getting return guests.
The Christian hope depends entirely on the assumption that Jesus died a physical death, vacated an actual grave, and ascended into heaven. Jesus’ resurrection changed everything. Just picture the scene. It was Sunday morning after the Friday execution. The sky was dark. The disciples had scattered. The Roman executioner was wondering about breakfast, or work, or his next day off. But he was not wondering about the fellow he had nailed to a cross and pierced with a spear. Jesus was dead and buried. Yesterday’s news . . . right?
Wrong. Matthew tells us, “There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it” (Matthew 28:2). When the women came to prepare Jesus’ body for burial, they were met by this visitor, his appearance bright as lightning. He told them, “I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said” (verses 5–6).
Had such words never been spoken—had the body of Jesus decayed into dust in the borrowed tomb—we would not be discussing this promise. But the words were spoken, and the promise was made. And as a result, we can anticipate our own resurrection by viewing the resurrection of Christ.
So, what will happen when you die? Scripture reveals some intriguing assurances. The soul of the believer journeys home, while the body of the believer awaits the resurrection (see 2 Corinthians 5:8 and Luke 23:43). Paradise is the first stage of heaven. But not the final version of heaven, nor the ultimate expression of home.
That final age will begin when Christ returns on the final day. Spirits will be reunited with bodies, resulting in a spiritual body. Just as a seed becomes a plant, this fleshly body will become a spiritual body. You are going to love yours. You’ve never seen yourself at your best. You’ve never known yourself as God intended. But you will!
“I am making everything new!” God announced (Revelation 21:5). The old will be gone. God will lay hold of every atom, emotion, insect, animal, and galaxy. He will reclaim every diseased body and afflicted mind. I am making all things new.
Many people mistakenly think their fondest moment, deepest joy, and most profound experience happens sometime between the delivery room and the funeral home. But this is just the beginning. In fact, for the Christian, this world is as bad as it gets.
Today, I urge you to set your heart on this hope. “Since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken” (Hebrews 12:28), we can have a hope that won’t be shaken. Set your heart and eyes on this promise.
How have you pictured your own death? What worries or questions do you have?
How have you seen Jesus’ resurrection power at work? How has God made something or someone new? What does this power tell you about God’s plan for you?
How does your hope for the future impact the way you live in the present? How can you celebrate the victory that God has accomplished in Jesus’ resurrection?
About this Plan

This reading plan includes ten daily devotions based on Max Lucado’s book and small-group curriculum Unshakable Hope: Building Our Lives on the Promises of God, on sale August 7, 2018 . During this study, you will explore ten key promises of God found in the Bible and learn how these promises offer unshakable hope for your soul.