
Get Greedy
It seems society today has this mantra; “enough is not enough” when it comes to material possessions, we must have more. Everywhere we turn we are drawn to this or that new thing that we must have, whether it is the newest pair of J’s or the newest tech device.
As believers we shouldn’t be greedy for the things of this world, but maybe we shouldn’t toss out the word greedy all together. There should be a great desire in the hearts of all who claim Christ as savior for more of him, to know him, to have possession of him. We can choose to be greedy for stuff or we can choose to be greedy for the Lord.
Get greedy for his word and time spent in prayer, not so you can get all of him just for you, but that you can become so full of Christ you can’t help but give him away. Life is found in Christ, not in your possessions. Get greedy so you can give him to others!
Today, make it a priority to become greedy for Jesus. In Paul’s words, “I count everything as a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ.” (Philippians 3:8) Go deep in your prayer and study life this week.
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About this Plan

This 31 day plan is designed to take you deeper in your relationship with Christ. With daily scripture readings and goals, we hope to provoke thoughts that will cause you to reflect on your current status and allow God to overflow in your life.