
Just Speak
Today’s Bible verse starts with Jesus talking about the power of our words. He shows us the power of our words and that if we speak to something it has the power to change. Our words can change things in our lives. The words that we speak each day about ourselves and our circumstances matter. Choose to exercise self-control.
If we speak doubt, unbelief, and negative words, then we’ll have negative results in your life. Simply, put, our words matter. They set the course and tone for our life.
If you don’t like what you’re seeing in your life begin to change the way you speak. Speak words of life, words that build up and are full of faith. Choose today to put a guard over your mouth. Don’t just speak whatever thoughts or emotions enter into your head. Choose to speak words of faith and build the realities you want to see in your life.
When we exercise self-control, we are saying “no” for the sake of a bigger and better “yes.” We are trading something in the here and now for something greater in the future.
Speak good things over your life and situations today!
ದೇವರ ವಾಕ್ಯ
About this Plan

This 31 day plan is designed to take you deeper in your relationship with Christ. With daily scripture readings and goals, we hope to provoke thoughts that will cause you to reflect on your current status and allow God to overflow in your life.