Life Principles To Live Byಮಾದರಿ

Anticipating the Lord’s Return
Life Principle 30: An eager anticipation of the Lord’s return keeps us living productively.
Throughout Scripture, we find three admonitions given to us about the Lord’s return:
1. We’re to watch faithfully. The Word of God encourages us to stand fast in the faith with courage and strength (1 Cor. 16:13), watching soberly and arming ourselves with faith, love, and salvation (1 Thess. 5:8). As we watch, we’re to remain especially aware of false prophets, discerning the spirits and rejecting all who do not confess that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh (2 Peter 2:1; 1 John 4:1-2).
Jesus spoke to John in a vision and gave this great promise to those who remain watchful: “Behold, I am coming like a thief. Blessed is the one who stays awake” (Rev. 16:15).
2. We’re to work diligently. Why does Jesus leave us here on earth after He saves us? Why aren’t we born again, then immediately taken into the Lord’s presence? Simply because we still have work to do!
We’re to be the Lord’s witnesses, telling of the love of God and the atoning death of Jesus Christ. We’re also to testify to others about all He’s done in our own lives, both with our words and by our example. As long as there remains a soul on earth who hasn’t heard the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, we still have much to do.
3. We’re to wait peacefully. More than four hundred times in Scripture, the Lord commands us to not fear but to enjoy peace—and He calls us to peace as we await His return. We’re taught in the Bible that apart from Jesus, there is no peace … not within a human heart and not among human beings or nations. With Jesus, we can experience peace that surpasses our rational capacity and settles deep within (Phil. 4:7). We are to seek and find this peace as we await the Lord’s return.
When the Lord comes, will He find you among those who love Him and call Him Savior and Lord? Will He find you doing what He’s commanded of you, eager to see Him and ready for His appearing? You have it within your grasp to positively answer these questions. So how will you choose to respond to the Lord’s call upon your life?
The fact is, He is coming again!
To learn more about the 30 Life Principles or to download additional resources to help you grow in your walk with the Lord, please click here.
About this Plan

During his more than 60 years of ministry, Dr. Charles Stanley has faithfully highlighted the 30 Life Principles that have guided him and helped him grow in his knowledge, service, and love of God. Here, he helps you explore each of these principles in more depth, teaching you how to put them into practice each day, and leading you to enjoy the abundant life Christ desires to give to you.