Ignition 7 Video Spark Devosಮಾದರಿ

Ignition 7 Video Spark Devos

DAY 3 OF 18

How Do We Know God Exists? (part 1)

The question, “How do we know God exists” is a tough one. Sometimes we’re afraid of what kind of answers we may find. There are many ways to address this question, but here are a few ideas to get you thinking.

In real life, we know a house doesn’t just build itself from the ground up. Houses require builders in order to be livable. Even if all the parts and pieces that make a house (roofing tiles, concrete, drywall, etc.) were left in a pile, we still wouldn’t expect it to magically build itself, would we?

In the same way, there are a lot of things that exist in this crazy big universe that are left unexplained without someone’s creative power. The universe is so complex and yet too well-balanced for it to exist accidentally. The Big Bang alone, if you were to believe the theory, offers a combination of finely-tuned timing and development, determinable via mathematics and astrophysics. Mathematical and physical variables measuring in ‘one part in 10100’ other super tiny numbers stitch together planets and stars, fabricating the very air we breathe. Sound complicated? That’s because it is.

That sort of exactness is difficult to explain without using words like “design” and “order.” Likewise, the development and diversity of life on earth, with its incredible complexity and delicate balance, points to the handiwork of a creator over mere accidents of fate. No matter what our current culture screams at us, there’s evidence that not only hints but shouts for the existence of a creator—the Creator God.


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Ignition 7 Video Spark Devos

Following Jesus can be overwhelming because no one goes home with us. It’s easy to feel alone. These Ignition 7 Video Spark Devos will walk with you past the first seven days and into some of the harder questions and issues that arise when we continue to walk God’s path.
