Matthew 14

Herod slays John. Breid iʼ the wilderness, Christʼs fit‐road on the sea.
1Aboot that time Herod, the King‐Depute, heard aʼ that was said aboot Jesus.
2And quoʼ he to them oʼ his hoosehauld, “This maun be John the Baptist; he is risen frae the deid; and sae div thir pooers schaw theirsels in him.”
3For Herod had grippit John, and putten him in bonds; and cuist him intil prison for the sake oʼ Herodias, wife oʼ his brither Philip.
4For John said till him: “It is no allooʼd for ye to hae her!”
5And whan he wad hae putten him to deid, he was fleyʼt oʼ the people, for they reckonʼd him a Prophet.
6But whan Herodʼs birthday cam, the daughter oʼ Herodias danced in the mids oʼ them aʼ, and glamorʼd Herod.
7Whauron, he sware to gie her onything she micht speir.
8And she, bein set on by her mither, said: “Gie me here John Baptistʼs heid, on an aschet!”
9And the king was wae; but for the sake oʼ his aiths, and for thae that sat at meat wiʼ him, he commandit it to be gien to her.
10And he sent, and beheidit John iʼ the prison.
11And his heid was brocht on an aschet, and gien to the lass; and she brocht it till her mither.
12And his disciples cam, and took up the body, and buryʼt it; and gaed and tellʼt Jesus.
13And whan Jesus heard it, he gaed awa by boat till a desert‐place oot‐by; and whan the croods heard oʼt, they followʼt on fit frae the toons.
14And he cam oot, and saw a great thrang; and he had pitie on them and healed their sick anes.
15And whan the eʼenin cam on, his disciples cam till him, and quoʼ they, “This is but a desert bit, and the time is gaun by; send the folk awa, that they may gang to the neebor toons, and buy theirsels meat!”
16But Jesus said to them, “They need‐na gang awa; gie ye them to eat!”
17Quoʼ they to him, “We hae here but fyve bannocks and twa fish.”
18He said, “Fesh them here to me!”
19And he garʼt the crood sit doon on the gerss; and took the fyve bannocks and the twa speldrins, and lookin up till Heeven he gied thanks, and brak, and gied the bannocks to the disciples, and the disciples to the folk.
20And they aʼ did eat, and war satisfyʼt; and they liftit oʼ the broken bits that war left, #14:20 The twal basket‐fuʼs war nae doot gien to the puirest oʼ the folk. Breid is a sacred thing, and thoʼ multiplyʼt by miracle, is no to be wastit.twal baskets fuʼ.
21And they wha had eaten war aboot fyve thoosand men, forby weemen and weans.
22And at ance he garʼt his disciples gang intil the boat, and gang awa first to the ither side, till he wad send the crood awa.
23And whan he had sent the crood awa, he gaed up intil a mountain by his‐sel to pray; and whan eʼenin fell he was thar alane.
24But the boat was noo iʼ the mids oʼ the Loch, vexʼd wiʼ the waves: for the wund was contrar.
25And iʼ the hinmaist watch oʼ the nicht Jesus cam to them, gangin on the sea.
26And whan the disciples saw him walkin on the sea, they war sair gliffʼt, saying, “It is a ghaist!” And they cryʼt oot for fear.
27And at ance Jesus spak to them, “Be oʼ gude heart! It is I; fear‐na!”
28And Peter answerʼt and quoʼ he, “Lord, gin it be thou, bid me come till thee on the watir!”
29And he said, “Come!” And whan Peter was gotten doon oot oʼ the boat, he walkit on the watir to gang tae Jesus.
30But whan he saw the wund gousty, he fearʼt; and as he begude to sink he cryʼt oot, “Lord, save me!”
31And at ance Jesus raxed oot his haun, and grippit him, saying to him, “O thou oʼ sic smaʼ faith, why did thou fear?”
32And whan they war gane up intil the boat, the wund was lown.
33And they iʼ the boat worshippʼt him, saying, “Truly thou art the Son oʼ God!”
34And whan they gat ower, they cam to the land, to Gennesaret.
35And whan the men oʼ that place had kennin oʼ him, they sent oot intil aʼ the kintra‐side, and feshʼt till him aʼ that war ailin;
36And entreatit him that they micht but touch the border oʼ his garment; and aʼ that touched were made hale.

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Matthew 14: SCO1904





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